Posted on: Aug 27, 2021 | | Written by:

Find out why the novel coronavirus can be a major threat to heart patients

Published on August 27, 2021. EST READ TIME: 3 minutes

Based on what has been observed since the coronavirus outbreak, in most cases, people who get infected have mild symptoms and recover within two weeks. However, when it comes to those with heart diseases and other underlying conditions, the recovery rate is comparatively slower. Even if the symptoms are mild, they may experience them for a prolonged period even after recovery. And in some cases, theCOVID-19 infection can prove to be life-threatening for those with underlying conditions, especially heart diseases. Hence, if you are someone whose heart is not as healthy as it should be, you need to be extra cautious. Comparing health insurance policies and taking the best critical illness insurance is also recommended in case a medical emergency arises.

How the COVID-19 infection affects the heart

Although COVID-19 is a respiratory condition, it affects the heart as well. When the lungs are not able to work properly because of the infection, the heart is forced to work harder to ensure that the oxygen-rich blood reaches every part of the body. This causes stress to the heart and poses threat to people with existing heart conditions. Also, people with these conditions are reportedly at a higher risk of catching the infection and experiencing severe symptoms.

Here are some ways in which COVID-19 affects the heart:

  • The virus invades the heart muscles and causes inflammation. This increases the chances of heart failure and other complications in the future.
  • COVID-19 can also cause blood clots in the arteries and weaken the heart muscles.
  • In some cases, a person’s immune system overreacts to the infection. This causes inflammation to accumulate in the heart and leads to a “cytokine storm”. A high level of cytokines in the blood is linked to organ and tissue damage.

How heart patients can stay safe and healthy

If you are a heart patient or have some other underlying health condition, here are some tips you can follow to stay safe:

  • Practice social distancing
  • Stay home as much as you can
  • Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water, as often as required
  • Wear a mask and use hand sanitizer whenever you step out
  • Keep yourself from touching different surfaces in public places
  • Use a tissue while coughing or sneezing and throw it away
  • Avoid touching your mouth, nose, and eyes
  • Include immune-boosting foods and supplements in your diet
  • Get vaccinated after consulting a healthcare practitioner
  • Take the prescribed medicines on time
  • Follow a workout regime
  • Get enough rest
  • Monitor your blood sugar and blood pressure levels regularly

Why people with heart conditions need critical illness insurance?

If you are suffering from a heart condition, contracting COVID-19 infection can make things worse. Hence, you must take all possible measures to stay safe and healthy. Also, keep a critical illness insurance policy handy for those uncertain times. In case of an emergency, the insurance will cover your hospital bills and save you from unexpected financial losses.

Critical or life-threatening illnesses require special care and treatment. In some cases, the treatment may go on for a long time and this can burn a big hole in your pocket. Which is why it is wise to take <a href =“” critical illness insurance</a> and stay covered. Just makes sure you compare different insurance providers and policies before choosing one.


People suffering from heart diseases or other conditions are at a higher risk during the pandemic. While it is wise to maintain social distancing, it is important to get some physical activity and rest as well. Hence, you can do some light exercises at home or go out for a walk wearing a mask and maintaining a safe distance from others. Also, remember to take a health plan with critical illness cover. This way, in case you require sudden medical help, you can avail the best treatment without worrying about the hospital bills.

Disclaimer: The above information is for illustrative purpose only. For more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before concluding the sales.


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