10 Ways to Improve Elderly Care and Make a Better World for Seniors
10 Ways to Improve Elderly Care and Make a Better World for Seniors

Do you remember the days when your grandmother used to stay up with you and tell you those amazing stories at night? Or the time you held your grandfather’s hand and went to your favourite toy shop? Grandparents are awesome and they always fulfil your dreams. Now that you are older, you need to take care of your grandparents. Not just your own grandparents, but every senior deserves your love and care. If you have elderly grandparents or parents, make sure you do everything to keep them happy and healthy.
Did you know globally World Elder Abuse Awareness Day is celebrated on 15th June to create awareness about the abuse, mistreatment and neglect of older people. The world isn’t as kind towards senior citizens as we think it would be. In fact, one in every six senior citizens faces abuse globally. According to some studies, the prevalence of elder abuse in India ranges between 9.6 to 61.7% across different states, although the actual figures may be much higher than reported. Therefore, there is a pressing concern we all need to address collectively – make this world a better place for seniors for the sake of humanity. It doesn’t take much to do out bit.
Ways to make a better world for elders
Here are some interesting ways in which you can improve the quality of the lives of all the beloved seniors around you:
1. Spend time with them
One of the best ways to bring a smile to an elderly person’s face is to spend time with them. It is an easy and inexpensive way as well. If you have your parents or grandparents staying at your house, come back from work and sit with them for a while, or make it a point to have a meal together. Go for a walk with them, or help them when they garden. Watch some TV shows together and ask them about their day. If their health permits, plan some trips and holidays with them and they will feel loved and special.
2. Cover their health
This is an important and extremely crucial way in which you can make their world better. Get them suitable health insurance coverage. There are many good senior citizen health insurance policies available nowadays and they help to keep your parents and grandparents safe. As people age, their health begins to deteriorate. Also, the healthcare costs are very high currently, so without the help of insurance, it is difficult to keep your folks protected. When you have an insurance plan in place, you can take them to the best doctors and hospitals and help them get nursed back to health in the best possible way.
3. Keep an eye on their nutrition
The wellness of the elders in your family greatly depends on what they eat. Hence, make a conscious effort to ensure they eat healthy and nutritious meals. If they stay alone, monitor their nutrition. Hire a cook if required and pay for the groceries. This will help them in manifold ways and increase their longevity. Also, ensure they take their medication on time, as the medicines will help them to stay healthy and free of additional medical problems.
4. Keep them mentally fit
Mental health is just as important as physical health. Ensure your folks have good mental health. If required, arrange for counselling sessions. Be patient with them, nurture them and you will be able to keep them happy and mentally stable. Age-related mental problems, such as Alzheimer's and dementia are also common, so screen them for these disorders regularly.
5. Make them financially sound
Financial dependence is a huge challenge for the elderly. After living their lives on their own terms for decades, it becomes very humiliating for them to rely on their children for money. Step in and make a positive contribution here. Give some allowance to your parents or grandparents without making it seem too obvious. Pay for their essentials such as their rent, medicines, groceries, etc. Once they become financially sound, they feel dignified and this makes them a lot happier.
6. Keep them in a safe place
It may not be possible for you to live with the sweet elders in your family due to various reasons. But you can find them a safe place to stay. If they are healthy and able-bodied, keep them in a nice apartment that has proper mobility access. If your folks use a wheelchair, ensure the building has an elevator and a ramp. Hire a caretaker for them. If they can't live alone, send them to a safe and comfortable assisted living facility where they will be taken care of.
7. Encourage them to travel
Travelling is an amazing experience. Your grandparents and parents enjoy going on vacations just as much as you do. This is why you must encourage them to travel. If possible, take them along with you when you go on holiday. If not, then make the reservations for them and ensure they have a safe journey. There are many packaged holidays available that are custom-made for senior citizens. Your folks will enjoy going with a group of like-minded people and have a rewarding experience. You can send them for a holiday in India or abroad, based on your preferences.
8. Involve them in your decisions
Grandparents and parents often feel left out and neglected in the house. This is not good for their mental health and wellness. So, to make them feel special, involve them in your decisions. Whether it is a small decision like picking out a restaurant for a dinner party or a major decision like a job change, speak to them about it. While this would be wonderful for them, it would be very insightful for you as well, as the seniors, with their wealth of experience, can give you some great advice.
9. Encourage them to be social
Your parents or grandparents may have worked for many years and simultaneously also had an active social life. After retirement, they may feel isolated and lonely, more so if they have to shift base to another city or town. If this is the case, encourage them to be social. Enrol them in activities such as golf, yoga, etc. Encourage them to meet the other senior citizens in the housing complex. Loneliness can be very detrimental at this age, so ensure they have an active social life.
10. Always shower them with love and respect
And last but not least, shower them with love and respect at all times. They feel less important as they age and this affects their physical and mental health. It may be difficult dealing with senior citizens and you may have differences of opinion, but always remember that they are the heads of the family and you are here today because of their efforts and sacrifices. So, be kind, emphatic and loving around your parents and grandparents and enjoy a happy and healthy relationship with them at all times.
It is not difficult to make the beautiful seniors in your life happy. They have done their job and given you an amazing life, and are responsible for where you are today. As a mark of love and gratitude, do your part and keep them smiling and healthy. Follow the tips mentioned above and the job will become easy and enjoyable for all of you.
Disclaimer: The above information is for illustrative purposes only. For more details, please refer to the policy wordings and prospectus before concluding the sales.
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