How to prevent malaria during monsoon?
How to prevent malaria during monsoon?

Malaria, even though preventable and curable, continues to inflict insurmountable morbidity, particularly in resource-poor localities in urban and rural centres. Over the last decade, a lot of new information has been generated on the spread and the treatment of this deadly disease. However, what ails people is the proper utilization of research and the quality and easy access to healthcare. What’s more, the human malaria parasites are getting multi-resistant to available medication while making transmission of this deadly disease more fluid.
Under the present circumstances, health specialists believe that prevention is the best cure for this disease. With the monsoons quickly approaching, there would be no better time to take necessary steps to prevent this disease from gaining a foothold.
Monsoons and Malaria
Monsoons in India typically occur between the months of July and September. The onset of the rain brings with it much needed relief from the heat of the scorching summer. However, the rains also bring with them a number of deadly water-borne diseases like malaria. This is primarily due to open drains and water clogging, which become a breeding ground for mosquitoes. The easy availability of open water sources coupled with the high moisture content in the air results in rapid growth of this deadly disease during the monsoon.
What are the Symptoms of Malaria
The symptoms of malaria are similar to other parasitic diseases. This makes it difficult to identify early on. A symptom distinct in malaria patients is the sensation called “malaria attack”. This is associated with extreme shivering and chills followed by high fever and sweating with a sudden return to normal temperature. If you have any of these symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor. Other symptoms include:
- Fever
- Headache
- Chills
- Abdominal pain
- Nausea and vomiting
- Diarrhoea
- Muscle or joint pain
- General feeling of discomfort
- Fatigue
- Rapid breathing
- Rapid heart rate
- Cough
How to Prevent Malaria
As explained earlier, the best cure for malaria is prevention. This can be done by taking a few minor measures.
1. Prevent Stagnation of Water
Mosquitoes need a breeding ground where they can lay their eggs and multiply their offspring. Stagnant water is the ideal breeding ground for mosquitoes. This includes water collected in pots, buckets, and open drains. To avoid the breeding of mosquitoes, try and prevent the stagnation of water as far as possible. Look around your home for potential sources of stagnant water. This could be in the form of unused pots or an old air cooler that has been left abandoned on the terrace.
2. Use Mosquito Repellents
To avoid getting bitten indoors, use a mosquito repellent. Research shows that the odour from the repellent can turn mosquitoes off. For best results, place the repellent near a door or entryway to avoid mosquitoes from entering your place of residence. Repellents that have a strong dose of DEET are more effective in keeping mosquitoes at bay. You should also apply cream-based applications to your skin before venturing out in the open.
3. Keep Windows and Doors Closed
Mosquitoes gain entry to your home primarily through the windows or the doors each time they are opened and closed. Avoid opening doors or windows for an extended period of time. If you are worried about not getting fresh air in, consider using a mesh to cover your windows and doors.
Importance Of Health Insurance During Monsoon
The introduction of water-borne diseases like malaria and dengue can lead to serious health complications. Treatment of these illnesses could translate to hospitalization for up to a few days, which can result in hefty medical bills. Considering the health risks associated with the monsoons, in addition to taking precautionary measures, it’s also wise to take a health insurance plan. Most health insurance plans will cover all or a majority of treatment expenses like hospital stay, cost of medication, medical consultation and others.
Taking a few simple measures can keep a life-threatening illness like malaria at bay. While the best cure for this disease may be preventing you can never be too sure. For complete peace of mind, make sure that you and your family have the much needed financial protection of a good health insurance plan. This will ensure that you get the much needed financial assistance in the treatment of malaria.
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