5 Myths about Blood Donation – Debunked
5 Myths about Blood Donation – Debunked

While we may not even get to know this, every day,countless lives are lost because the patients don’t get blood at the right time. The requirement is huge, but there aren’t enough units available in the blood banks. The reason is lack of donors. And it’s not like people don’t want to donate blood, but they are often so misguided and misinformed that they start believing this noble act can cause harm to them. So, this World Blood Donor Day, on June 14, let’s try to debunk some of these myths and step up to donate blood.Not only can it save someone’s life but is also extremely safe. Also, remember to keep good health insurance plans with decent coverage handy, so that in case something goes wrong, you can get the best treatment without fretting about hospital bills.
1. Blood Donors Turn Obese:
There is no proof that blood donation can make you obese. What you should keep in mind is avoid eating too much junk after donation in order to regain energy. Keep a watch on your calorie intake. Eat iron-rich foods and drink plenty of fluids.
2. Women cannot Donate Blood:
This is not at all true. Blood donation has nothing to do with gender. There is no reason why a woman cannot participate in this noble cause unless she is pregnant, lactating, anaemic or her haemoglobin count is less due to a medical problem.
3. I can Donate Blood Only Once a Year:
You cannot donate blood till the blood cells get replenished in the body and this takes around 4-6 weeks. The lost plasma in the body gets replaced within 24 hours. So, you can safely donate blood every three to six months once the blood cells are completely restored.
4. Blood Donation is Time-consuming and Painful:
The whole process of blood donation, from registration to resting after donation, takes about an hour. And the procedure of donating blood takes only about 10 minutes. Does it hurt? Not really. You will only feel a small prick of the needle and that area will heal within a day or two. Some people may experience bruising, but it will disappear in a few days.
5. I am a Vegetarian, So Blood Donation is not for me:
As long as you are healthy and meet all the criteria of donating blood, you can go ahead and donate. It doesn’t matter whether you are a vegetarian or non-vegetarian. The misconception that vegans cannot donate blood is because meat-based foods are rich in iron and iron helps in haemoglobin production in the body. But certain vegetarian foods are rich sources of iron too, such as green leafy vegetables, legumes, whole grains, raisins, etc. Hence, being a vegetarian doesn’t mean you cannot donate blood.
Blood donation is a noble cause. Apart from the above myths, there are many other misconceptions due to which people don’t volunteer to donate blood. If you have any doubt about blood donation which is stopping you from donating, talk to your healthcare professional and encourage others to go ahead and save lives! As mentioned before, buy the right health insurance plans for financial security in case of a medical emergency.
Disclaimer: The above information is for illustrative purpose only. For more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before concluding the sales.
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