Posted on: Aug 9, 2021 | | Written by:

Olympics Games and Important Health Lessons They Teach Us

Published on August 9, 2021. EST READ TIME: 3 minutes

Olympics Games and Important Health Lessons They Teach Us

There’s so much to learn from the Olympic Games and the participating athletes, such as focus, perseverance, patience, courage and adaptability. And that’s not all; the athletes need to put in a lot of hard work and focus on their overall health and agility to achieve success.

Olympics is a grand sporting event that sees the best athletes from different parts of the world competing in different events, such as marathon, tennis, hockey, discus throw, surfing, skateboarding, and swimming, to name a few. While each event requires a different kind of training and preparation, one thing common among all athletes is fitness. To achieve this, athletes undergo rigorous training sessions and follow healthy lifestyle habits, such a seating the right foods, sleeping for 8-10 hours, and more.

While it may not be possible for the common man to achieve that kind of physical fitness, the least you can do is follow a healthy lifestyle and take the best health insurance policy in India for those uncertain times. A health plan comes in quite handy in case of medical emergencies and helps keep financial worries at bay.

Important lessons from Olympic Games and athletes:

Olympics, one of the most popular multisport events in the world, emphasises the importance of good health and fitness to stay on top of the game. Here are some important lessons that the games and athletes teach us:

  1. Exercise regularly and be active: Regular workout is important for good physical as well as mental health. While you don’t have to follow the rigorous workout session of athletes, you must plan a workout schedule with a trainer and stick to it. You can also join a gym, take aerobic classes, do Pilates, or try any other kind of workout you prefer. The main aim is to stay active every day.


  2. Eat healthy: This is important for good health and nutrition. A healthy diet promotes your overall wellbeing, keeps away common conditions, and helps maintain a healthy weight. Olympians follow a nutrient-rich diet and stay away from foods with high sodium, added sugars, and saturated fat. You can take the help of a dietician to chalk out a diet plan that’s best for you.


  3. Set health goals: If you are looking to achieve good physical and mental wellbeing, setting health goals can help. This includes exercising at least 5 days a week, adding lots of fresh fruits and vegetables to your diet, avoiding high-fat and high-calorie products, and cutting back on junk food. Also, never skip meals as it may have an adverse effect on your body. If you are looking to lose weight, eat smaller portions of healthy foods.


  4. Sleep well: You must also get sound sleep for about 7-8 hours every day. Good sleep not only helps rebuild muscles and tissues that break down during training but also promotes overall wellbeing. Sleep is important for your mental health as well, especially if you have stress and anxiety issues.


  5. Go for regular health check-ups: Even if you feel fit and fine, yearly health check-ups are important, especially for those over 40 years of age. This helps in the timely diagnosis and treatment of a health condition. Early diagnosis and treatment also prevent the condition from worsening and make early recovery possible. Apart from physical health, Tokyo Olympics especially taught us about the importance of mental health.


  6. Secure your life with a health plan: Health insurance offers a plethora of benefits to policyholders and helps prevent financial woes in case of a medical emergency. There has been a dramatic increase in healthcare costs of late and even a short hospitalisation can burn a big hole in your pocket. A health plan helps cover costs of medical tests, ambulance charges, doctor’s consultation fees, hospitalisation expenses, home healthcare, mental healthcare, day care treatments and more. Some insurers also allow free health check-ups at the time of policy renewal.


Good health is key to a happy and successful life. So, apart from following healthy lifestyle habits, you must take a health plan and stay covered against uncertainties. With most insurance companies offering health plans online, you can easily compare a few to find the best health insurance policy in India for yourself and your loved ones. You can also strengthen your health plan with important riders, such as critical illness insurance, accidental disability rider and more, to secure your future and finances.

Disclaimer: The above information is for illustrative purpose only. For more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before concluding the sales.


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