Quit smoking this World no Tobacco day
Quit smoking this World no Tobacco day
Published on March 8, 2021 | Est Read Time: 3 min
![World no Tobacco Day World no Tobacco Day](/images/default-source/default-album/world-no-tobacco-daya0348aa4520c461b9defb652b4c1b305.jpg)
Aashna started smoking cigarettes as a teenager. Into her adulthood, she continued to smoke on and off, sometimes smoking more heavily whenever she was stressed. When Aashna was 45 years old, she started losing weight and experiencing stomach pains. Being a single parent with one source of income and without health insurance, she knew she couldn’t afford to be sick. However, the pain grew unbearable, and Aashna had to seek medical aid. When she did, she found out she had stage 4 colorectal cancer as a result of her smoking habit.
Smoking kills, yet India’s tobacco addiction only continues to grow. Around 6 million people die each year as a result of tobacco consumption. According to a survey by The Aviss Foundation in 2019, every third person between the ages of 15 and 50 years was addicted to smoking. The negative impact of cigarettes on cardiovascular health has been undeniable. If you are looking for a reason to quit smoking this year, World No Smoking Day is just around the corner and can become the impetus you need. Here are 5 health reasons to quit smoking this World No Smoking Day.
1. Dard-e-dil
The smoke released from burning tobacco contains carbon monoxide. When carbon monoxide is inhaled, it can lessen the amount of oxygen present in your blood. This pushes your heart to pump harder so it can supply the body with the requisite amount of oxygen. This can limit the overall supply route resulting in a stroke or heart attack. Finally, tobacco consumption has also been linked to blood clotting, which also increases one’s danger of developing a stroke or heart attack.
2. Sans lene mein taklif
Consuming tobacco smoke or chewing tobacco is linked to being very harmful to one’s lungs. As they are chronic, these illnesses can also become a massive drain on one’s finances. One way to safeguard one’s hard-earned finances is to cover all of one’s medical costs through health insurance. Comprehensive health insurance policies can cover one’s costs of hospitalisation, medical treatment, doctor’s appointments, ambulance charges, and rehabilitation if needed.
3. Kamjor Nazar
Smoking cigarettes can also result in physical changes in your eyes that can impair your vision. It has been confirmed in scientific literature that nicotine limits the production of a vital substance fundamental for one to have the capacity to perceive shapes and objects at night. In addition to this, smoking also expands the danger of developing macular degeneration and cataract- both of which prompt visual impairment.
4. Cancer cancel nahi hoga
Among the most infamous health hazards because of smoking is cancer. Among a wide variety of cancers that have been linked to tobacco consumption, the strongest link exists between lung cancer and cigarette smoking. In addition to the lungs, researchers have linked tobacco to cancers of the bladder, larynx, stomach, kidney, and cervix.
5. Mooh ki halat
It's also commonly observed that smokers tend to have a slew of oral health issues in comparison to non-smokers. These issues include mouth sores, ulcers, and various types of gum diseases. Finally, the gravest link is that tobacco consumers are also likely to get cancers of the throat and the mouth.
Tips on Quitting Smoking
1. Identify when you crave cigarettes. Accordingly, try to replace the habit of smoking in those situations with something healthy? If you crave cigarettes when you are bored, then try calling a friend, or watching something funny instead.
2. Make friends with non-smokers. If your intimate circle is full of people who smoke or consume tobacco in other forms, you are much more likely to follow suit. This is why you should befriend people who do not smoke at all.
3. Consider switching up your diet and getting adequate rest. You are much more likely to reach for cigarettes on low energy. Ensure you sleep enough, and eat nutrient-dense meals.
4. Consider getting help. There are support groups for those who are looking to quit smoking. By holding oneself accountable in a group setting, you are much likelier to quit.
5. Make a promise, set a date and stick to it. Sticking to the "not a drag" rule can really help.
This World no smoking day, try to kick your tobacco addiction. After all, the health hazards because of smoking can be debilitating and even fatal, not to mention a huge financial burden. One of the ways to keep yourself secure against
the costs associated with any of these chronic illnesses is to add health insurance to your financial portfolio. In addition to covering your costs, health insurance can also reduce your tax burden.
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