Summer Detox 2022: Here’s What You Need to Do
Summer Detox 2022: Here’s What You Need to Do

Summer is the ideal time to detox and get on a healthier path to fitness. It is that time of the year when plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables are available. Going to a detox centre or signing up for a detox program may not be feasible for everyone. However, it is possible to detoxify yourself with a few things which are readily available at home. In order to renew and rejuvenate yourself from the comfort of your home, eating the right foods is important.
Here are some foods which can help you detox during summer
• Green Leafy Vegetables:
The chlorophyll present in green leafy vegetables is said to free the body of environmental toxins while protecting the liver.
• Lemons:
They are rich in vitamin C and help to remove waste from the body as they have laxative and diuretic properties.
• Beets:
A rich source of calcium, fibre, antioxidants and many other nutrients; beets help in stimulating the kidneys and lymphatic system. They are also good for digestion.
• Fresh fruit:
They are a good source of dietary fibre, potassium, vitamin C, folic acid and a never-ending supply of antioxidants. Fruits such as apples, which help the lymphatic system and detoxify the bloodstream, should be included in your every day diet. Watermelons are good too as they help flush out impurities from your body.
• Green tea:
It contains substantial amounts of flavonoids and antioxidants that help prevent various diseases.
It is important to be properly hydrated during the duration of your detox program and also make sure that you include a physical workout every day. However, before starting any detox program or diet, consult your doctor or an expert who will be able to guide you properly. Detoxification is a get way to reboot your body and flush out the toxins in your body. While detox makes your body stronger from the inside, health insurance plans help you prepare for any unexpected health scares. A good health insurance takes care of the medical bills during health emergencies. So do a proper research about health insurance plans and then pick the best one that suits you.
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