Posted on: Jun 9, 2022 | 3 Min | Written by: HDFC ERGO Team

Cost of Open-Heart Surgery in India: Factors & Expenses

Cost Of Open Heart Surgery In India

In a metro city like Delhi or Mumbai, a middle-aged individual with ailing cardiac health is recommended to have open-heart surgery to restore his/her quality of life. But there’s an issue for this salaried person — the exorbitant costs associated with the procedure seem insurmountable. Worrying, isn’t it? Well, open-heart surgery is a complex and life-saving medical procedure that requires highly skilled surgeons, state-of-the-art facilities, and meticulous post-operative care. But what is the cost of open-heart surgery in India? Let’s find out and discuss the factors that contribute to the cost.

What is Open-heart Surgery?

Open-heart surgery, or cardiac surgery, is a procedure performed on the heart to treat various cardiac ailments. The reason it’s called “open” heart surgery is because the chest is opened up so that the surgeon can directly see and work on the heart.

When you undergo open-heart surgery, you are given anaesthesia to ensure you don’t feel any pain during the procedure. The surgeon will make an incision in the chest, typically along the sternum (breastbone), and separate the breastbone to expose the heart. Once the heart is visible, the surgeon can work on repairing or replacing damaged heart valves, removing blockages in the coronary arteries, correcting congenital heart defects, or performing other necessary procedures depending on the specific condition being treated. If the heart temporarily stops, a heart-lung bypass machine (i.e., cardiopulmonary bypass machine) may be used. This machine does the job of the heart and lungs, oxygenating the blood and pumping it throughout the body, allowing the surgeon to work on a still and bloodless heart.

After the surgery is complete, the chest is closed using sutures or wires, and the incision is carefully stitched up. The recovery process after open-heart surgery varies from patient to patient.

Cost of Open-Heart Surgery

Open-heart surgery cost is on the higher side as it is a major operation. The average cost of open-heart surgery in India is between Rs 1.5 lakh and Rs 5 lakh depending on the heart condition, type of surgery and many other factors. Due to the high risk associated with the surgery, doctors advise open-heart surgery only when other treatment methods have failed to treat the condition.

Some Factors Affecting Open-Heart Surgery Expenses in India

Open-heart surgery cost in India depends on several factors, such as:

• Type of hospital

The cost will vary based on your chosen hospital. In a government hospital, the charges will be lower compared to private hospitals or hospitals run by trusts.

• City of operation

Open-heart surgery will be costlier in metropolitan cities as compared to other cities.

• Technology used

The kind of technology employed to perform the surgery is also a factor affecting the surgery expenses. There are 3 types of open-heart surgeries — on-pump, off-pump, and robotic. The more advanced the technology, the costlier the operation.

• Surgeon's expertise

The charges will be more if the surgeon performing the operation has the qualifications and expertise and is popular for his skills.

• Payment mode

Whether you are availing of health insurance or paying from your pocket is also a deciding factor. A patient’s condition, fitness, type of operation required, the hospital’s reputation, category of the room, and other post-surgery expenses also play a crucial role.

Is Cardiac Surgery Affordable in India?

Although open-heart surgery cost in India is lower than in other countries, it is still unaffordable for an average Indian considering his/her income. In private hospitals, it is far more expensive than government healthcare establishments. To meet the expenses, one may struggle to arrange funds, mortgage or sell assets or take loans to pay hospital bills. Hence, investing early in comprehensive health insurance ensures nobody gets into such a situation. As ageing parents are at high risk of developing a critical illness, they should be secured with health insurance for senior citizens to ward off financial crises.

Tips to Prevent Cardiovascular Diseases

Here are a few tips to help prevent cardiovascular diseases.

1. Maintain a Healthy Diet

Eat a well-balanced diet rich in vegetables, fruits, lean proteins, whole grains, and healthy fats. Avoid sugary drinks, processed foods, and foods high in saturated as well as trans fats. Opt for low-sodium options and avoid excessive salt in your diet.

2. Engage in Regular Physical Activity

Aim for longer moderate-intensity aerobics or shorter vigorous-intensity exercises every week. Find activities you enjoy, such as brisk walking, swimming, cycling, or dancing, and make them a regular part of your routine.

3. Don't Smoke

Smoking is a significant risk factor for cardiovascular diseases. If you smoke, seek help to quit. Also, avoid exposure to second-hand or passive smoking, as it can increase your risk. Create a smoke-free environment for yourself and your loved ones. You should cut down on your alcohol consumption as well.

4. Maintain a Healthy Weight

Strive to achieve and maintain a healthy weight based on your body mass index (BMI). Excess weight, especially around the waist, increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Incorporate a combination of healthy eating and regular physical activity to achieve a healthy weight. You should keep your blood pressure and blood sugar level under control, especially if you have diabetes.

5. Manage Stress and Practice Relaxation Techniques

Chronic stress can contribute to heart disease. Find healthy ways to manage stress, such as deep breathing, meditation, and yoga. Also, engage in hobbies, spend quality time with your family, and get enough sleep.

Procedure and Risks Involved in Open Heart Surgeries

Open heart surgery is a critical operation and can take anywhere between 3 to 6 hours. The procedure involves the following steps:

• The procedure starts with administering anaesthesia to the patient so that they don’t feel any pain during the surgery.

• The chest is cut open, 6-8-inch incision through the breastbone, exposing the heart and its surrounding blood vessels.  The surgeon cuts through all or part of the patient’s breastbone until the chest is exposed.

• Once the heart is seen, the surgeon will stop it from beating. The patient’s heart will then be connected to a heart-lung bypass machine, which will perform the heart's functions and help the surgeon conduct the surgery.

• Once the surgery is complete, the surgeon will close the cut with stitches.


Like any other surgery, open heart surgeries also have risks. The risk of complications varies from patient to patient. However, it is more risky in people with underlying health conditions like diabetes, obesity, and COPD. Some of the potential risks are:

• Arrhythmia or irregular heartbeat

• Bleeding from the sutured area or around the wound

• Infection

• Blood clots

• Stroke

• Damage to surrounding organs or tissues


To prevent cardiovascular diseases, it’s important to consult your healthcare provider for personalised guidance based on your health profile. They can assess your risk factors, provide specific recommendations, and help you develop a comprehensive plan. If diagnosed with a heart problem requiring open-heart surgery, having a financial backup like a health insurance plan can help you sail through difficult times.


1. How much does open heart surgery cost in India?

The average cost in India is between Rs 1.5 lakh to Rs 5 lakh. There are several factors contributing to the cost, such as type of hospital, geographical location, technology used, experience and expertise of the surgeon, etc. If you have been advised an open-heart surgery, you can talk to your healthcare provider about the actual costs.

2. Are there any risks of open-heart surgery?

Open heart surgery does have the risk of complications, but it can vary from patient to patient. Some of the risks include irregular heartbeat, stroke, blood clots, infection, and damage to surrounding organs. The doctor will explain you everything about the surgery, i.e., pre-and-post-operative care.

3. How long will it take to recover after heart surgery?

The healing process can take 4 to 6 weeks. Before getting discharged from the hospital, understand all the precautions and best practices for a pain-free recovery. Follow your doctor’s dos and don’ts and go for regular follow-ups.

4. Will I feel any pain during heart surgery?

No, because you will be given general anaesthesia. During the procedure, you will not feel any pain. However, during recovery, you may experience some discomfort around the heart muscles and sensations like itching, numbness, or tightness, which is normal.

5. How long should I stay in the hospital?

This can vary from patient to patient. If everything is normal, you may be asked to stay in the hospital for 2 to 7 days. In case of complications, the stay can be extended until you recover completely.

Disclaimer: The above information is for illustrative purposes only. For more details, please refer to the policy wordings and prospectus before concluding the sales.


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