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World AIDS Day: Causes & Precautions You Should Know

Published on December 1, 2021. EST READ TIME: 2 minutes

World AIDS Day: Causes & Precautions You Should Know

NDecember 1 is observed as World AIDS Day worldwide and the aim of this day is to make people aware of Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and what leads to it. The spread of Human Immunodeficiency Virus infection (HIV) leads to AIDS which affects the immune system of a person. It is a severe disease in which the ability of humans to fight infections is adversely affected. The Theme of Worlds Aids Day 2021 is ‘End inequalities. End AIDS’. Every year, United Nations agencies, governments and different awareness groups come together to promote specific themes related to HIV to educate people on AIDS prevention and control. The day also recognizes the achievements and efforts that have been done to deal with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.

The beginning

World AIDS Day was first started in 1988 in the month of August by Thomas Netter and James W. Bann. Both gentlemen were public information officers for the AIDS Global Program of the World Health Organization Geneva, Switzerland. The idea of AIDS Day was conveyed to Dr. Johnathan Mann (Director of AIDS Global Program), who approved the idea and celebrated it on December 1 in 1988 as World AIDS Day. They decided to dedicate this date every year as World AIDS Day.

Causes of HIV

There are various mediums through which the virus can spread. HIV virus can also be spread by transfusing infected blood or through infected needles. An infected person can also get the infection from a donated organ. While there are many reasons how the virus canspread, one of the major reasons is having unprotected sex with an HIV-infected person.


-Before getting any vaccine or injection, make sure the syringe is new and not a used one. So that the risk of spreading the infection is negligible

-Using protection while having sex. Safe sex is the best precaution to avoid getting infected by the virus

-Before any blood transfusion, always check whether it is safe or not

-Always use a new blade while shaving


Even though there is much more awareness about HIV and AIDs today, around the world, there are vaccines available yet. So, one needs to take every precaution they can. It is not just for one infection, your health needs to be protected against all deadly viruses. Hence, apart from precautions, one needs a good health insurance as well, which provides them extensive coverage of illnesses and provides financial safety.

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