Posted on: Mar 2, 2021 | | Written by:

10 New Year’s Resolutions for Homeowners

A start of a new year, especially at the end of the previous years, many people are seen planning their New Year resolutions. Many of us must have experienced, these New Year resolutions are NOT carried forward, beyond a short period. Reasons to do away with the New Year resolutions can be many. Lack of time, lack of persistence, lack of funds, and other emergencies at home/office fronts.

After experimenting with many initiatives or New Year resolutions, being talked, discussed, initiated and continued for a relatively long time, let us look at some ten possible New Year resolutions, which are easily doable, NOT heavy or NOT binding on anybody, easy to focus on and keep practicing it for a long time.

Here are some possible 10 New Year resolutions for homeowners.

  • Home Insurance: 
    Since a home is a big investment, it is essential for anybody to keep it safe from any misfortunes. There are multiple ways to protect it. Something simple like appointing security guards, having trained animals/pets, CCTV cameras all around the property, security alarms are standard methods. But these measures are NOT likely to protect a homeowner from natural calamities. A possible way out of any unfortunate kind of situation is well-planned, strategic home insurance. It can be a good New Year resolution.

  • Home renovation/improvement: 
    Keeping in mind, our current and immediate foreseeable future needs, if one can introduce and improve upon his property, it is possible that many risks can be distributed or minimised. Something like storage space, separate safe areas for relatively valuable things in the household, safety walls to prevent intruders, can be thought of. All these property parameters can be suitably insured. It might be worthwhile to pay some attention to these areas, during the New Year, by way of New Year resolutions.

  • Clean neglected areas: 
    From time to time, over the period, many areas in the home get neglected, for various reasons. Compound walls, less frequented areas in the home, garden, storage areas, and cattle sheds are examples. It might be a good idea, to plan and pay some attention to these areas, during the New Year, by way of New Year resolution.

  • Do a safety audit/check: 
    More or less, in continuation with the above topic, it would be good to do some safety audits or checks of many areas and take up maintenance work, as a New Year resolution. Door locks, taps, water supply equipment, pitfalls, and trenches in unexpected areas are commonly noticed issues. These tasks often get neglected or pushed down by the list of critical tasks. These tasks can be certainly taken up as a New Year resolution.

  • Self and family health:
     Very often we notice, yours truly or family members are overweight, or downside on many medical parameters. Excess weight, High or Low on BP, uneven on many other parameters. With the help of expert’s consultancy, many New Year resolutions can be taken up to bring it under control or at least minimise the effects/risks. Besides, with proper financial planning, one can opt for appropriate medical care with individual medical insurance. New Year is logically the best time to start, for accounting and operational ease.

  • Work distribution:
     Any home or household has multiple tasks. A prominent person or persons in the family can get overloaded. New Year beginning can be the best time to plan and decide an effective delegation and make a suitable person responsible for the task(s).

  • New learning:
     Many homes follow this practice. The idea is to train each person something new and develop a new skill, which might last him for a lifetime. This can be a new value-adding New Year resolution.

  • Social obligation:
     Each of us live in a community or society. ‘Man is a social animal’. So, all of us have some social obligations too. Identify a few ideas, to fulfil those ideas and work towards them, in the New Year, to fulfil those obligations.

  • Self-sufficiency: 
    It is said, 90% of our tasks can be done by ourselves. May be complexity, time, energy; efficiency levels might be different. Find out the tasks and aim to complete at least 50% of the tasks on your own during the New Year. This can reduce the dependency on others and sure to make a person self-sufficient.

  •  Finances: 
    Creating a yearly budget will help you a lot. That way, you know how much you’ll need to spend and also help to avoid overspending. Cutting down the use of energy will also help a lot. So, think of the ways to cut down costs as much as possible.
