9 Tips to Winter-Proof Your Home & Reduce Heating Costs
9 Tips to Winter-Proof Your Home & Reduce Heating Costs

The winter is coming but it's not the white walkers you have to worry about. It's more to do with the cold weather. Taking out warm clothes to protect yourself from the cold is the first thing that comes to mind at the mention of winters. But your home also needs to be protected in winters. So do not let that cold draught in to keep your home warm and at a comfortable temperature. Winter proofing safeguards your home when the mercury drops and lowers the heating bills. Buying an insurance policy for home is equally important to protect your home against winter-related damages.
In this blog, we will talk about several ways to winterproof your home and save money this winter. These easy winterizing methods do not cost much and reduce heating costs.
1. Seal the openings
Begin with draught-proofing your windows, doors, and vents. A caulking gun is an ideal tool to secure any gaps or cracks around door frames and windows that could let that cold breeze in. If you still see any gaps, draft snakes could be a useful and cheap way to keep the cold at bay. Seal all the openings to stay warm and save some bucks this winter.<./p>
2. Insulate the walls and roof
Insulating your home walls and roofs might seem laborious but the benefits outweigh the efforts. Around 25 percent of the heat is lost through the roof. The use of polystyrene to insulate roofs is a widely used energy-efficient method that cuts down the heating load. Add that extra layer of insulation to keep your home cosy and warm all winter.
3. Double- or triple-pane the fenestration
Multiple layers of glazing on windows can serve the purpose of keeping the interiors warm. Ineffective windows are usually the biggest reason for the heat loss which adds to your bills. If your windows are old, they would not be able to keep the heat inside. It might seem a bit odd but adding a bubble wrap layer to the windows reduces heat loss and lets the light in at the same time. Moreover, it is easy on the pocket.
4. Use thicker window treatments
Thick Curtains, blinds, or shutters can aid in keeping your home warm during the winters. Even if your windows are not double glazed, curtains of heavy grade do not let the heat pass and can absorb the chill at the same time. This reduces the heat load and keeps your home warm and comfortable inside.
5. Seal the AC inlets
In the winter season, air conditioners are hardly used. It is best to seal the AC inlets and cover the vents. It will stop the cold air from passing through the cracks and will keep that cold draught at bay.
6. Add more rugs and carpets
If you have hardwood floors then you must cover them up. Use rugs, carpets, and other such floor coverings to insulate your floor. These thick coverings insulate your floors and help to keep your property warm. If the floor has any cracks or gaps, use silicone-based filler to fill them.
7. Service the machines
Servicing the machines before the winter arrives is crucial to avoid any breakdown later. Be it any heating system such as water heaters, room heaters, or boilers, get them checked and serviced to ensure smooth functioning during the whole season.
8. Pad the pipes
If you live in a place that experiences freezing temperatures then it is best to pad the pipes to avoid any bursting. Use foam tubes to cover the exposed pipes to keep the water hot for a longer period. It increases the life of the pipes and brings down the energy cost.
9. Do not forget the garden
One place that is usually overlooked when winter proofing your home is the garden. When the temperature drops, it can affect the plants which have a low tolerance to cold temperatures. It is best to take those plants inside when the temperature falls. Adding mulch conserves the soil moisture and increases the fertility and health of the soil. It keeps the soil warm which can benefit the plants that do not withstand cold weather.
It is time to take out your woollens and look for ways to keep the house warm and cosy when the mercury drops. Use several tips mentioned in the article above for inexpensive and do-it-yourself ways to winterproof your house. Do not forget to buy an insurance policy for home to secure your home financially against any weather-related hazards.
Disclaimer: The above information is for illustrative purpose only. For more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before concluding the sales.
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