Posted on: Oct 12, 2021 | 3 mins | Written by: HDFC ERGO Team

Here is What Influences Your Home Insurance Cost

What Influences Home Insurance Cost - Home insurance

While buying or expanding your home is important, it is equally crucial to make sure that the maintenance of your house is covered too. A house is an expensive asset and maintaining its condition and covering for damages will make sure that it remains an asset and does not turn into a liability. In this article, we will have a look at the different factors that affect your home insurance price and gain a deeper understanding of the 4 main factors that greatly influence home insurance prices.

Factors that Impact Home Insurance Cost

Every homeowner needs a good home insurance policy. It helps protect your home as well as your possessions. Is the price you have to pay for a home insurance standard? No, it is not. The price that you pay for your home insurance depends on a variety of factors. Depending on this plethora of factors, you would be required to make suitable monthly instalments or pay premium prices to have a home insurance policy that provides good coverage. Here are some of the factors that impact the cost of your home insurance.

  • Your credit history

  • The age of your home

  • The condition of your house

  • Where you live or reside

  • Price of your home

  • Cost of rebuilding

  • Your deductibles

  • Home security and other safety features

  • Your choice of insurance provider

  • Additional types of coverage that you need

Impact of Location on Home Insurance Coverage

Where you live is one of the most defining factors when it comes to the best home insurance India. Some of the influential factors about your location could determine the risk of natural disasters, the extent of safety concerns, cost of the plot, cost of rebuilding, and others. Due to these factors, the place you live in largely impacts the cost of your home insurance. For instance, if you live in a place that is more prone to natural disasters, then the cost of home insurance is likely to be higher as the cost incurred to cover these damages will be high.

Reasons Why Location Might Affect Your Home Insurance Rate

When it comes to the prices of home insurance, there are plenty of factors involved that determine the premium price of the policy. Here are 4 main factors that influence the home insurance price. Gaining an understanding of these factors can help you plan your insurance policy better.

1. State Regulations

The home insurance prices and policies are in line with the different regulations set by the state. Different states have different rating territories when it comes to home insurance prices. The housing and properties available in each state is governed by a certain set of rules set by the state. These aspects include information about land prices, costs incurred to cover damages, home insurance prices, etc. Based on the underwriting guidelines that are set by the state, the premium or price that you would have to pay while purchasing your home insurance would vary.

2. Rebuilding Cost

When it comes to rebuilding costs, several variables are taken into consideration. Some of the common considerations are local construction costs, total square footage of the house, unique features and architecture of the house, number of rooms, and potential construction plans. Usually, many individuals confuse the home rebuilding cost to be in line with the home buying cost. Sometimes, they may catch up, but most often, the rebuilding cost is lower than the market value of the house. Staying in a locality that requires frequent rebuilding due to damages can lead to a higher home insurance price.

3. Weather Conditions

Different weather conditions including the frequency of change of the climate can be a largely influential factor when it comes to the cost of home insurance. In certain locations, the damages caused due to the weather may be subtle. As a result, the amount of expenditure in such cases is low. However, in certain other places, the weather conditions may be relatively damaging to the property. So, frequent repairs are more likely, thereby leading to increased expenditure. Hence, the liability of the insurance provider increases, thereby leading to a higher insurance price.

4. Disaster-Prone Areas

The likelihood of disasters around your home is a potential factor that contributes to the price of your home insurance. For instance, homes that are located near the coast or the coastline are generally more expensive to insure compared to those present inland. The main reason for this change in home insurance prices is that the likelihood of damages caused by water disasters such as flooding and storms are more likely with homes near the coastlines. Usually, standard home insurance policies do not cover damages that are caused by floods and other natural disasters. Hence, an add-on cover or flood insurance cover is typically required to provide comprehensive coverage. These add-ons contribute to the additional cost.


Identifying the best home insurance India is crucial. While considering the different options of home insurance, it is key to gain insights into the different factors that impact the price of the policy. This can help you estimate the prices better and choose a good policy that provides comprehensive coverage. HDFC ERGO can provide you with comprehensive coverage and provide the best home insurance plan you need.

Disclaimer: The above information is for illustrative purpose only. For more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before concluding the sales.


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