Posted on: Nov 3, 2021 | | Written by:

Checklist for Home Maintenance: Things to Remember

Published on November 3, 2021. EST READ TIME: 3 minutes

Home Maintenance Checklist - Home insurance

Owning a home is a huge achievement and it also brings with it huge responsibilities. Maintaining a home can be challenging and it needsconstant attention. You need always keep a check on key areas around your home to help you avoid costly repairs.

Here’s a home maintenance checklist of things to do each month:

1. Maintain fire and security devices

Be prepared and keep essential supplies ready in case of natural calamities and events that may lead to a power outage. Check your security system to make sure that it’s properly functioning and also make sure your fire extinguishers has not expired.

2. Check your kitchen and appliances

Keep your kitchen clean and always maintain hygiene to avoid pest infestation. Keep a check on water filters in your refrigerator as needed. Also look for signs of leaking or wear and tear.

3. Clean areas which could become damp

Showers, bathrooms and other areas of the home that can become damp may get mold or other problems. To avoid it, scrub bathroom tile and clean it properly at least once per month. Check the fixtures and pipes for any signs of leaks, discoloration or other changes that could indicate wear or corrosion.

4. Inspect your plumbing

Checking your plumbing system regularly should be a monthly must-do for your house maintenance. Check for discoloration on metal pipes; cracking or crimping of plastic, deposits or rust-like buildup. If you spot any of these issues, call an expert to fix it.

5. Buy a home insurance policy

Home insurance policy provides the most amount of protection to you and your assets compared to any other insurance policy out there in the market. In most cases, insurance policies for home cover damages to your home, any expenses arising out of injury to family members at the time such damage occurred, and home insurance even covers your liabilities from any accident or incident that occurs on your property. You need to choose the best home insurance in India.


Maintaining a home is the utmost important part of owning a home.While keeping a check and maintaining home assets is vital, buying a home insurance is equally necessary as it will provide you with double protection. With the best home insurance in India, you will get the benefit of protection of your property from any risk arising out of water like floods, fire of any kind or damage caused by storms and cyclones. Other benefits include protection from earthquakes, etc. You will also get the benefit of protection in cases of theft and burglary.

Disclaimer: The above information is for illustrative purpose only. For more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before concluding the sales.


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