Home Remedies for Headache while doing the “Work from home”
Home Remedies for Headache while doing the “Work from home”
Headache is a most common grievance one hears, from people working from home. Basically, it is an annoyance due to a change of routine work environment. The reasons behind it can be different, and may vary from person to person. The possible reasons can be, the noisy home environment, frequent visitors, excessive work on screen or rather the lack of a typical office atmosphere, it might be upsetting for many of the people,as they are unable to focus, when they work from home.Often children end up disturbing the work and become a distraction making it difficult to concerntrate. The overall effect of all these distraction is, a person develops a headache like symptoms, especially while working from home.
It is a funny situation. There are no hard and fast rules or guidelines on how one can overcome these challenges. But, but there are some time tested remedies to bypass these difficulties and work peacefully, uninterrupted and avoid possible headache like symptoms. Let us look at some of the possible ‘home remedies’.
1.1) Identify the definite time slots - When you are likely to be free of outside interruptions. Typically, after 10:30-11:00am. Post lunch, or afternoon lull hours, evening, post supper or best after dinner, when generally everybody hits the bed. Normally for a person working prefers a calm environment where s/he can work without interruptions. During such quiet hours a person, working independently, may be able to work long hours and produce more output.
1.2) Create an ‘office like’ work environment - Rearrange your work space, desk like you might have in your office. Direction of table chair, near window, ones favourite photographs, flower vases, pen stand, calendar diary, other office equipment. Many a times, an absence of such obvious noticeable things, creates a strange mental block and unknowingly causes a headache like symptoms.
1.3) Find Out self-suitable relaxing techniques - For different people, different techniques can work, as per their liking. Some people may like a cup of tea/coffee, somebody might prefer something to eat/munch.
1.4) A side music or a comedy audio program - Try to keep your favourite types of music/songs playing on the side, either on the music system or on your computer, in the background, in a different window.Similarly, there are many sitcoms available on the OTT platforms, which can be tried out in the background.
1.5) Physical or body exercises - Many people might be fond of physical exercises. There are various YouTube, applications which provide exercise tutorials and demos. Apart from these, vocal, nasal kind of exercises are also explained. Anybody can experiment these workouts and try it out on their own, sitting in one place.
1.6) Self-stimulating munching - Many people have a habit of chewing gum or paper mints or nuts or many similar products. Best way is to keep these kind of chewable items stocked and handy and continue to use it. As long as it doesn’t offends or disturbs anybody, no harm in using it.
1.7) Frequent breaks - Apart from all the above mentioned techniques, a best practise followed or encouraged in most of the corporates is to get up from your work place, and take a 100 steps brisk walk around. This logically and scientifically helps the blo od circulation and takes the mind off from a stationary thought process and indirectly relaxes the mind and body.
1.8) Change of work - If possible, take a break from on-going work, and take up a different kind of work. This helps to restart the brain, which certainly reinitializes all the thinking processes and in a way relaxes it. Even the best doctors, analysts suggest this techniques. Many people keep rubixcube, smiley balls near and play with it, especially while working on a complex task.
1.9) Play with your favourite hobby - One may try out taking small breaks in between. Reading books, playing in-door games, collections of abstract things. It certainly cheers up one’s mind, when you spend few minutes with your most favourite thing.
Decide flexible environment - Since one is NOT going to office or anywhere outside, one has an option to wear most comfortable domestic clothes, sit in any position they like.