Posted on: Sep 8, 2021 | | Written by:

How to navigate through floods or flash floods?

How to navigate through floods or flash floods? - Home insurance

July 2021 was recorded as one of the world’s worst months in terms of rainfall-induced incidents such as floods and landslides. There have been continuous rounds of flood-related disasters across the world which led to the loss of lives, damages to property, and destruction of crops, etc. For the past few months, whenever you turn on the TV and switch to a news channel, you can find a news report about floods in some part of the world or the other. India is no exception. As per the National Disaster and Management Authority, some states in India such as Odisha and Andhra Pradesh, flooding is a yearly occurrence. Climate change is one of the major factors which have led to constant flooding in different parts of the world. It is important then for citizens to be aware of protecting themselves and their families from floods. This includes knowledge of safety protocols to be followed during floods, as well as protecting yourself from the financial damages from a flood if you buy home insurance online.

What is A Flash Flood?

Inundation of usually dry land in water due to heavy rainfall, cloudbursts, or storms is known as flooding. Floods are one of the most frequently occurring natural hazards. Different types of floods are defined based on the reason for their occurrence. One of the most disastrous types of floods is flash floods. When the heavy rainfall surpasses the water-absorbing capability of the land, it leads to flash floods. It gets its name from the sudden deluge after heavy rainfall which gives little time to plan the evacuation or to take safety precautions.

Flash Flood Safety Tips

Floods have constantly been ranked among the top 10 deadly disasters in India for the past 50 years. Flash floods usually occur within hours giving a little time to prepare. Considering how dangerous a flash flood can be, it is always better to be prepared to avoid any major incident. Important safety measures that need to be followed during heavy rainfall to keep yourself and your family safe are listed below.

  • Prepare during dry times.

  • Keep a ready-to-go emergency kit with essential items such as food, water, and medicine.

  • Keep a set of supplies such as a phone, charger, batteries, flashlights, etc.

  • Ensure you have downloaded mobile apps that provide constant flood-related notifications and updates.

  • Buy home insurance online that can help you cope up with the devastation caused by flash floods. HDFC ERGO home insurance covers the structure and content damage to your property caused by natural calamities.

How To Stay Safe At Home During A Flood

Keep the following points in mind to keep you and your family safe while staying at home during floods.

  • Follow evacuation orders -

  • One of the safest options is to follow the evacuation orders by local authorities. As the flash floods come with little or no warning, it's better to closely follow the constant notifications and orders from local authorities

  • Move to higher ground immediately -

  • Locate any spot at a higher elevation, and move to it as quickly as possible. The immediate focus should be on keeping yourself as far above the water level as is possible.

  • Avoid contact with floodwater -

  • Floods are one of the most common carriers of water-borne diseases. Try to avoid contact with floodwater as much as possible. Make sure there are no open cuts or wounds that are likely to get infected due to floodwater.

How To Stay Safe In A Car During A Flood

  • Don't drive around barricades -

  • Flood barricades are put in place to keep floodwater in check and to warn motorists. Floods can wash away entire chunks of roads and it can become hard for motorists to detect such washed away sections. Barricades serve to warn motorists away from such sections.

  • Avoid driving on bridges over fast-moving water -

  • Fast-moving water is powerful and entirely capable of sweeping away entire bridges in its current. For this reason, you should avoid driving on bridges over fast-moving water.

  • Avoid driving through floodwater -

  • The strength of a floodwater current can be unpredictable. You may think you can drive through a lowly inundated street, but a sudden flush of floodwater can make things dangerous.

  • Stay in your vehicle if you're surrounded by fast-moving water -

  • It is best to not venture out if you’re surrounded by fast-moving water. This is because you can be swept off by water and risk drowning, whereas a car being heavier and more stable is hard to overturn.


Floods are a force of nature that can occur anytime and anywhere. Even if you don’t live close to a river or another source of water, incessant rains can trigger floods capable of causing irreparable damage to your home. This is why it is prudent to invest in a good home insurance policy that can protect your home and its valuables for a nominal premium. If you buy home insurance online when it’s safe, you will be able to cover the costs of repair to your home in case of a flood. As the old adage goes, a stitch in time saves nine.

Disclaimer: The above information is for illustrative purpose only. For more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before concluding the sales.


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