Posted on: Apr 19, 2019 | 3 mins | Written by: HDFC ERGO Team

Protect Your Home Against Natural Calamities Now

When I watch a movie or a documentary about a natural calamity and the thunderous destruction it entails, I always pity the people living in such areas. I mean, my home is certainly safe. And so is yours.

Blah! This is where we all are wrong. There is a reason these calamities are called ‘Acts of God’. It is safe to assume that you are never entirely safe. Within seconds, a natural calamity can reduce your years of hard work, i.e. your home, to dust. And then, it can take another lifetime to rebuild all that you have lost. Well, we will keep a positive spin on things and hope that something like this never happens, but preparing for the worst is a part of this plan.

Home insurance against natural calamity is the answer when you are trying to ensure the best possible safety for yourself and your family in times of natural calamities. There are 2 types of policies that you can choose from:

Standard Fire & Special Perils Policy:

Standard Fire and Special Perils policy covers the damage caused to the house and its contents by fire, flood, earthquake, lighting, explosion, cyclone, typhoon, tempest, hurricane, inundation, storm, riot, strike, etc.

This policy can also be bought by housing societies for collective insurance of common areas for 1 year.

The policy ensures coverage of up to 15 years for home owners

Coverage offered under various tenures and premium plans varies from INR 1 lakh to 10 crores

You can manage the policy with a simple mobile app

With a nominal premium, you can also opt for insurance against terrorism

Comprehensive home insurance

This policy covers damage caused to the home structure and the contents by not just fire and natural calamities but also theft and burglary. An FIR will be needed for the damage caused due to terrorism, burglary & theft.

There is the option to take multi-year policy of up to 5 years

The sum insured for the structure of the house is based on the reinstatement value.

There is provision for increasing the sum insured by 10% at the end of every year.

Eligibility Criteria:  Individuals residing in flats or independent houses wherein external walls are made of concrete blocks, burnt bricks, stones, etc. and the roofs are reinforced are eligible. This insurance can be availed for a long term policy by property owners while tenants can opt for a single year policy.

While a home insurance policy provides the perfect cushion of safety for your home and family residing in, unfortunately there is a certain nature of losses which can’t be covered under insurance. It is wise to be well informed about these exclusions as well.

Home insurance policy exclusions

  • Damage or loss arising out of war, aggression, communal or civil riots, etc.

  • Damage or loss caused due to emission of radioactive energy from any nuclear field or nuclear waste

  • Damage caused due to contagion or fumes

  • Any damage or loss to the property while the property is still under construction

  • Precious collectibles like jewellery, work of art, coins, etc. will not be covered under the contents of the house

  • Any content of the house over 10 years old won’t be covered

With HDFC ERGO home insurance against natural calamity, you can get a safeguard against your worst fears about your home getting damaged and family getting hurt. Be assured, if the loss can be covered, it will be covered.

Disclaimer: The above information is for illustrative purpose only. For more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before concluding the sales.


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