Posted on: Jun 17, 2022 | | Written by:

6 Reasons to Switch Your Home Insurance Provider

Reasons to Switch Home Insurance Provider

There is no rule that you need to stick to the same insurer for your insurance policies. This holds true for any insurance that you have. When you pay a premium, you should get the best coverage, the best services, and the most affordable premium. If you feel you are not getting the best deal, it is time you should switch your insurance company.

When it comes to your house, the rule is no different. You need the best home insurance policy to cover your safe place. Thus, there is a reason to review the home insurance policy regularly, to ensure you get the best coverage for the house and of course at a low cost. There can be many advantages of switching your home insurance policy and the most important two are better coverage and lower premium.

It is very common to see that there is no review of the home insurance policy and it is just renewed blindly every year. As a result, you have the house insured with the same insurance company and there is no comparison that takes place. If you are thinking that why should you bother switching your home insurance provider, let us discuss some points you should keep in mind. This will help you make a decision if the switch is needed.

Let us look at some points you should see and decide if you need to change your insurer to get the best home insurance policy

1. Premiums:

There are high chances when you blindly renew your policy every year and the insurance company has been charging a high premium. If the premium being paid is high, then it is high time you start comparing quotes from different insurers.

You might be paying a high premium because:

a. You do not compare the policy and premium at the time of renewal

b. You did not compare when you bought the policy

c. You do not know the increase in premium annually

d. You do not know the steps you can take to increase safety and thus, reduce premiums

e. You have been filing too many claims

Adequate knowledge of the factors that affect the premium of a home insurance policy always helps to ensure you do not pay high premiums.

2. Customer Service:

The real test of an insurance company comes at the time of a claim. The accessibility and the ease of communicating with the company are very important and this defines the level of customer service. If the insurance company does not communicate or is not easy to reach, it is time to look for an alternative.

The clients should be the priority for any good company and this is one of the best tests of the best home insurance policy. The best company will always give priority to its customers and ensure they get the best. A 24-hour helpline, a claim service with a human interface, low premiums, the best coverage, etc. are some of the signs that you should look for.

The minute you feel the company does not give priority to the customer and is lacking in customer service, it is time to change.

3. Financial Stability

The insurance company with whom you hold your house insurance policy should be financially stable. The company at any point should be able to pay the claim amount. A company that does not have adequate finances in the bank to be able to pay a claim in spite of receiving a premium is not a good sign. When you are not comfortable with the financial stability of the company, it is time to switch.

4. Coverage

Best home insurance policy is one that gives the best coverage. When the house is well insured, the stress levels of the homeowners are bound to be low. If in your current plan, you feel you do not have adequate coverage, you should think about changing your insurance company. To understand if your coverage is fine, especially at the premium being paid, you should have a thorough knowledge of home insurance and also understand the policy. Knowing the coverage, the inclusions, and the exclusions is very important and this is the best way to know if you have a good policy or not. You can take help from specialists who can guide you to understand the policy if you are not confident. But to know what coverage the company is giving you at the premium and what the others will give is essential. If you feel the coverage is not adequate and the company does not give enough add-on options, you should look at changing your insurance company.

5. Discounts:

The company with whom you have your house insurance policy should give you enough rewards for taking adequate safety measures and not filing claims unnecessarily. Besides the above, there are other discounts that the company can offer and which will help reduce the premium without compromising on the coverage. These discounts are important and a reward the company gives you. Availing these is essential and if the company is not giving these discounts, you should start comparing and shopping around. When you compare you will know the discounts you are eligible for and thus, be able to get the best deal.


When you pay a premium you deserve to get the best home insurance policy. A good insurance policy depends on various factors but the most important of these is the insurance company. The company will structure the policy, provide customer support, reward you, and most importantly ensure you get the best coverage at the lowest premium.

To know which is the best insurance company for your home insurance policy, you need to compare the options available and that is when you will know the best. This is an exercise that should not only be done at the time of buying a policy but later too. A periodic review of the policy and comparison of options available will help you understand which is the best insurer.

Also, at any point when you feel the expectations you have from the insurance company are not met and they are lacking in services, it is time to switch your insurance provider. One should always remember that they are not married to any insurance company and thus, it is your right to get the best services. Shop around, compare, and then decide if your current insurer is the right choice, or if you need to reconsider the same and switch to a company giving better services at better rates. So if you have a doubt, consider the above points and decide if you need to switch your home insurance provider.

Disclaimer: The above information is for illustrative purpose only. For more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before concluding the sales.


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