Here are 7 Different Ways to Create Healthy Environment at Your Home
Here are 7 Different Ways to Create Healthy Environment at Your Home

Homes which is clean, well-maintained, contaminate-free and ventilated for air quality promotes well being for the people living in that house. You can adjust your home atmosphere for good health and happiness and avoid diseases entering your home. However, if someone in your family is suffering from a critical illness, you or the caregiver may require taking some additional measures to create a healthy home environment. Also, to make you home completely secure from any financial loss arising due to fire, theft, flood, natural calamities or any other unforeseen events, it is advisable to buy a home insurance policy for your residence.
7 Different Ways to Create Healthy Home Environment
1. Get an Air Purifier
The first step to good health is to ensure that you're breathing clean air in the home you live. Fine particulate matter has been linked to lung issues and heart disease. Investing in a state-of-the-art air purifier can help mitigate the risk.
2. Make Your Home Smoke Free
A smoke-free home is beneficial for your entire family's good physical and mental health. Prevent indoor air pollution by making your house free of smoke. Cigarettes are full of toxic ingredients, and even exposure to the smoke can cause cancer. Ensure that "No smoking at home" is strictly followed at your residence.
3. Opt for Non-Toxic Cleaners while Cleaning Home
When buying home cleaning materials, opt for non-toxic and eco-friendly cleaners which are chemical-free. Chemical cleaners may pollute the environment and cause health problems. Instead, a lot of biodegradable products can be found at local stores. You can also make your cleaning solutions using baking soda, tea tree oils, or citrus oils.
4. Get Rid of Dust
Piling up dust particles on bed sheets, sofa covers, pillows, or untouched bookshelves is common in India. According to the American Lung Association, chronic exposure to dust mites can cause allergies and asthma, so be sure to vacuum frequently, change your bedding and pillowcases often, and reduce the humidity in your house.
5. Ditch the Teflon
Don't use non-stick cookware, exposing household members to toxic fumes from the synthetic polymers used to make non-stick. Instead, cook with cast iron or stainless steel.
6. Limit the Usage of Bug Sprays Inside Home
Many of us use a spray to ward off a bug instantly; however, insect repellents are pesticides with harmful chemicals. Instead, it is advisable to seal all the cracks and holes around your property and keep food closed and covered.
7. Add Greens to Your Indoors
Indoor plants act as natural air filters and can absorb harmful pollutants from your furniture, electronic equipment or carpets. Spider plants like palm, Boston ferns and rubber plants are ideal for adding to your living room.
It is indeed a smart move to make necessary modifications in your home for making its environment healthy. If you live in an unclean or unkempt home, such an environment will undoubtedly negatively impact your health, ultimately leading to dire health consequences. However, in some living spaces, there are some aspects you can't control, but you can make a few easy tweaks, as mentioned above, that can help improve the health of your home.
Disclaimer: The above information is for illustrative purpose only. For more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before concluding the sales.
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