Posted on: Apr 4, 2022 | | Written by:

Here are 10 Ways to Keep Your Home Cool this Summer

How to Keep Your Home Cool in Summer

Summer comes with the brutal heat, and it indeed brings uneasiness in various ways to the majority of people. In summer, all you want is cold water or a cold drink or ice cream or iced tea. Most of them switch to the last resort of turning on the air-conditioner for numerous hours without even bothering about the electricity. However, switching air-conditioners for a longer time contributes to greenhouse gas emissions and global warming due to high energy usage. Furthermore, excessive heat inside the home can cause damage to soft surfaces like drywall. Therefore, it is preferable to have a house insurance policy for your residence to get coverage for any losses due to natural calamities and other unwanted events.

Now let us look at ten ways to keep you and your home cool this summer

1. Close your blinds

Keep your blinds closed, especially on north and west-facing windows, to significantly cool your home. Better yet, invest in some black-out curtains to shield your home from that harsh summer sun.

2. Dehumidify

If you live in an area with lots of humidity, you sweat, and it doesn't evaporate. Instead, it soaks your clothes, leaving you feeling hot, wet, sticky, and miserable. To feel cooler in high humidity and a high-temperature climate, wear loose cotton or other natural fabric that breathe and choose breathable sheets that keep you cool, such as cotton or bamboo.

3. Block the heat

Stopping heat in your house in the first place means spending less on cooling. Put a shade on your windows and walls using external coverings, like blinds, awnings or large potted plants. Plant deciduous trees that cast shade over your home in summer but still let the sunshine through in winter.

4. Unplug

Everything which is plugged into a socket produces heat. Unplug all unnecessary appliances or electronics when not in use. Even those little red glowing lights that you see in the middle of the night indicating the item is turned off drain energy and produce heat.

5. Use Natural Light

Take advantage of daylighting or use energy-efficient light bulbs, such as LEDs, in your high use areas. Also, consider using lighter paint and finish colours in your home. Light colours reflect more light and reduce your need for extra task lighting.

6. Don't Cook During Day or Cook Outdoors

During the summer months, try to pre-plan meals. Also, don't use the oven during the day. Instead, either cook on the grill, in a microwave, or in a crockpot. If you have to use the oven, try to cook your meal before noon or after the day's heat.

7. Plant Shade

A tree in full bloom can block over 70% of solar radiation from entering your home. Likewise, Sun-loving, shade-providing plants, trees and shrubs in front of windows add beautiful landscaping to your yard that receives the afternoon sun to cool down your house.

8. Close Doors and Seal Gaps

Close doors to rooms you aren't using to keep cool air where you need it most. Seal gaps around doors and windows, and use draught excluders to ensure the cool air can't escape.

9. Control Your Body Temperature

Apply a damp cloth to your neck and other pressure points on your body or have a cold shower to cool your body without switching the air-conditioner on.

10. Use Fan the Right Way

A cleverly-positioned bowl of ice is all you need to turn a fan into a cold mist machine. Place a shallow bowl or pan of ice in front of a fan for an icy-cool breeze.


Every season comes with its problem; however, there are numerous ways to tackle it smartly without much stress. If you follow the tips mentioned above smartly, you can keep your home cool without creating any hole in your pocket. Also, be it summer or any season, a house insurance policy is always best for your residence, as any unwanted events like fire, theft, etc., can happen.

Disclaimer: The above information is for illustrative purpose only. For more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before concluding the sales.


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