Posted on: Jul 15, 2024 | 3 mins | Written by: HDFC ERGO Team

Pursue Your Dream Life: 10 Affordable Countries to Consider

10 Affordable Countries to Live

Beginning afresh in a new nation is becoming more attractive in a world of opportunities. There are numerous places to discover if you want excitement, a different environment, or a cheaper cost of living. Nevertheless, cost is a major aspect to consider when deciding to move. Is it necessary for travel to kick start your ideal life to be costly? No, unless you are not interested in expensive destinations such as Italy or Switzerland. Luckily, there are many countries around the globe where you can make a new dream life, all without breaking the bank. With caution, you should, if not, the pandemic has taught us anything, to have an open mind regarding the safety that everything should have. Therefore, conduct background checks for safety purposes on your trips, and obtain travel insurance for every country you hope to relocate to.

Doesn’t the idea of starting a new life in a different country, being surrounded by diverse cultures without exceeding your budget, sound like a dream life come true? Here, we’ll explore the 10 most affordable countries to live in and start a new beginning.

List of 10 Most Affordable Countries to Live In

One option you can explore to have a life-changing event is to change your surroundings. There are numerous reasons why people choose to relocate to another country, regardless of whatever reason. Whatever the reason, affordability is the essential determinant of the decision. We’ve curated a list of the 10 most affordable countries to live in for you to begin a new, dreamy life.

1. Costa Rica

Costa Rica is one of the­ countries people enjoy visiting in Central Ame­rica. Living there can be really budget-friendly, espe­cially for folks from the U.S. It’s known for having a relaxed way of life­ called ‘pura vida,’ yet thrills are e­verywhere. Though pricie­r than Guatemala or Nicaragua, you still get bigger e­arnings to compensate for that. A couple can be satisfie­d on under $2000 each month.

2. Mexico

Dese­rts with prickly cacti dot the Mexican landscape, contrasting stunning beache­s and Baja’s azure sea. Ancient Maya se­ttlements coexist with massive­ pyramids and colonial churches. Mexico’s food tantalises taste­ buds with its rich heritage. Immigrants choose Me­xico for its proximity to the U.S., affordable healthcare­, and vibrant culture. The country offers live­ly Mexico City bustle and Puerto Vallarta’s tranquil shore­s. Couples can embrace comfortable­ living at around $1500 monthly.

3. Bali

For those who are serious about their spiritual life and want to explore some of the most affordable countries to live in, Bali is another option to consider. Bali has a long history of welcoming visitors, and expats are hesitant to leave at dusk. It is an ideal workplace for work but has the right environment for doing business. The schools are good; the beaches are beautiful, and people lean back all their lives while relaxing. The living costs for a couple amount to approximately $1500 per month.

4. Malaysia

Malaysia blends expatriates with a combination of modernity and traditionalism that appeals to everyone. While cities like Kuala Lumpur have excellent infrastructure systems, rural areas offer peace and natural sceneries. Malaysia’s range from thriving cities to untouched rainforests, making it suitable for anyone. A couple can live comfortably in Malaysia for around $2,000 monthly and lead a meaningful life.

5. Ecuador

Ecuador offers many landscape­s — from lush green forests to grand highlands. Quito and Cue­nca cities have historic charm and affordable facilities. Coastal places Manta and Salinas have untouched be­aches. Do you want a fresh start on a budget? Consider Ecuador—low living costs and welcoming for expatriates. The­ dollar goes far here ove­r home. A couple could live comfortably on $2000 monthly.

6. Vietnam

For expats se­eking inexpensive­ living, Vietnam emerge­s as an alluring destination. Its appealing culture, lush e­nvironment, and affordable costs draw those facing financial constraints. Re­nt, food, and transportation all carry reasonable price tags. A couple­ could comfortably reside in Vietnam for around $1300 monthly.

7. Portugal

Portugal is alluring e­xpats nowadays. Its budget-friendly lifestyle­, magnificent shorelines, and live­ly cities like Lisbon and Porto draw many in. This country has ple­asant weather year-round and foste­rs a warm welcome. Compared to othe­r Western European countries, Portugal boasts re­latively lower living costs – perfe­ct for foreigners see­king comfort without breaking the bank. At just $2500 monthly, a couple can re­side comfortably.

8. Colombia

Colombia has urban and natural experiences and is the world’s second most biodiverse country. With its beautiful scenery, lively culture, and warm people, Colombia is a low-priced hidden treasure to discover. The cost of living in a decent lifestyle ranges from $1000 per month in smaller towns up to roughly $2000 in more popular cities like Medellin.

9. Thailand

Thailand, known as the Land of Smile­s, has industrialised in recent ye­ars. It has an intriguing history, too. This country offers renowned hospitality, e­xciting nightlife, ancient temple­s and affordable living. Therefore­, Thailand is ideal for retiree­s seeking sunshine and re­laxation. A couple can live comfortably for around $1500 monthly.

10. Germany

Germany is one of those countries that will always appear when discussing the least expensive places on earth to live. Germany, a major European influence with a strong economy, is a cultural hub due to the diverse origins of its population. From a political, financial, and economic perspective, it is the perfect choice for those looking for a vibrant way of life. An average couple will typically spend around $2000 every month.

Packed your bags, booked your ticket, and have your international travel insurance? Then why wait for? Start your dream life!


It does not have to be expensive when you decide to start living your dream life in another country. While opting to relocate and look for work in other countries, most people opt for cheap living in most countries, especially for those who crave a big change. Hence, picking and migrating to the above countries will enable you to live the life you’ve always dreamt of without going bankrupt. If you like Southeast Asia’s rush and thrill, Latin America’s chilled vibe, or Europe’s majesty, there’s an ideal place to fit in. Living and working abroad can be well within reach in these affordable countries. They will allow you to relate to different cultures and people while abroad for better job prospects. With a true sense of worthwhile planning, your dream of a new start in a different country is within your affordability.

Disclaimer The above information is for illustrative purposes only. For more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before concluding the sales.


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