Posted on: Jun 18, 2024 | 3 mins | Written by: HDFC ERGO Team

Best time to visit Austria - Weather, Climate, Temperature

Best time to visit Austria

Austria is a country in central Europe. It is a country of the Alps, with serene lakes, breathtaking architectural marvels, mouth-watering food, and fairy-tale-like towns. Making it the perfect trip destination. Tourist spots include cities like Vienna, Salzburg, Innsbruck, Hallstatt, etc. This blog introduces you to every season of the country and the best time to visit Austria. Before planning any international trips, the important thing to keep in mind is to ensure you have travel insurance with you because we never know what incident could take place in a foreign country. Hence, while planning this trip, keep your travel insurance for Austria ready!

The best time to visit Austria

Before knowing the best time to visit Austria, you should know that, due to its geographical location, Austria faces vast climate changes within the year; it goes from -7 degrees Celsius in January to 24 degrees Celsius in July. So it is good to know which season is the best to enjoy your trip to the fullest!

• June to August: time for music festivals, carnivals, hikes, water sports, and much more. The warmth of the bright sunlight, the beautiful valley, the best carnivals, interaction with localities, and a lot more await you during this season!

• While we make sure you know all the details about the Austrian trip, you should work on signing up for your international travel insurance for your safety on this trip.

• But many other fun activities take place in different seasons. Here is a glance for each season:

Austria in spring

This season has significantly less snow and yet a calm, wintery atmosphere that feels pleasant while traveling.

Austria in Summer

Most festivals and carnivals take place during this season. The clear sky, the fragrance of the flower valleys, and scenic views enhance the beauty of landscapes. Summers are peak tourist times, and you will find huge crowds during these times.

Austria in Autumn

The landscapes are filled with shades of autumn colors, such as yellow, brown, and maroon, making them so beautiful. With a lower tourist population, this season is less chaotic.

Austria in Winter

In this season, the Alps are covered with snow; due to temperature drops and snowfall, the atmosphere becomes foggy, and visibility declines. making it a snowy paradise.

The Best Season to Visit Austria

Peak season

The summer season, from June to August, is the best time to visit Austria. The festive vibe, more fellow tourists, the peace of the Alps, the hiking season, and a lot more make it the perfect peak season.

Shoulder season

Autumn season, September to November: it is high time to attend world-famous ball dancing events, a budget-friendly season with landscapes filled with different shades of brown, yellow, and maroon, best for hiking and cycling.

Low or off-season

Winter season (December to February): visiting at this time offers chilled, foggy Alps, snowfall with temperature drops around -5 to -7, snowboarding and other activities, and countryside Christmas vibes

The Best Month to Visit Austria

March to May

Temperature: 9 to 15 degrees Celsius

Reasons to visit:

These months are for taking a stroll in the meadows or going for a hike in the mountains. Styria village holds cultural festivals, while Vienna is famous for Easter celebrations and the "Genuss Festival" Food Fair. This festival includes 100 booths serving a range of foods, like snails from Vienna, Alpine caviar from Upper Austria, cheese from Tyrol, etc. "Hofburg" is a must-visit town to see architectural marvels, monuments, and palaces.

Things to carry:

• minimal travel activities, hence no hassles for pre-booking hotels.

• The only thing you need to buy in advance is your international travel insurance.

June to August

Temperature: 17–22 degrees Celsius (warm breeze, long, pleasant days)

These months are the best time to visit Austria. Famous festivals include the world-famous Salzburg Music Festival, the Vienna Jazz Music Festival, and many other carnivals. During this time, the country is quite crowded and overbooked. You can also go for a dip in lakes, go sailing, and explore mountains.

Things you do not want to forget:

• Umbrella

• Light and party clothes

• Sunscreen

• Pre-booked tickets and accommodations

• Your travel insurance

September to November

Temperature: 10 to 15 degrees Celsius

This season brings a glamorous touch to the city of Vienna. There are multiple events to visit, like Vienna Fashion Week, a film festival called "Viennale," and world-famous ball dancing events during November, including the "Philharmonic Ball" and the Bonbon Ball. This season has very few tourists, allowing you to travel without the crowding. This season is the best for activities like cycling and hiking.

Things to carry:

• There are no hassles for pre-booking hotels.

• woolens for possible temperature drops at night.

• Flight tickets are easily available.

•  Travel insurance.

December to February

Temperature: as low as -7 degrees Celsius (5 degrees Celsius on average)

There are no local festivals lined up for these months, but December is great for enjoying Christmas. Enjoy staying at a Tyrolean village called Alpbach to celebrate and enjoy the local food. Visiting Feldkirch is also suggested. Vienna is for couples who want to experience cosy, romantic nights in a resort or a cafe. Winter sports like snowboarding and skiing are also very popular during this season.

Things to carry with you:

• Extra pair of woolens

• Pre-book your accommodations at a location that cannot be blocked by snow.

• Your international travel insurance!

No matter which month you choose to travel, Austria offers the best experiences. To make these experiences more safe, travel insurance is a must!


After learning about the highlights of each season in Austria, you can conclude that the peak season is from June to September, but that doesn’t limit Austria’s beauty, travel activities, scenic views, and festivals, which make it lively around the year! So, plan your next Austria trip now!


1. For a budget-friendly trip to Austria, which time is the best?

Consider visiting during shoulder seasons, i.e., September to November.

2. When are dancing balls arranged in Austria?

Visit in November to attend the Philharmonic Ball and the Bonbon Ball.

3. What month should I choose for my trip to Austria if I want to avoid crowds?

Consider visiting from September to November to avoid crowds.

4. What is the most famous winter sport in Austria?

In the winter season, skiing is the best winter sport in Austria.

5. What is the best season for hiking in Austria?

The summer and autumn seasons are best for hiking.

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