Here's How Travelling can Help Reduce Stress
Here's How Travelling can Help Reduce Stress

Travelling is indeed good for physical wellbeing, but numerous scientific researches prove that exploring a new place can do wonders for your mental as well as emotional health. So, if you are feeling stressed at work, it is preferable to pack your bag and set out for a journey. While planning a trip abroad, don't forget to buy an international travel insurance policy, as it secures your holiday. With a comprehensive travel insurance policy, you will get coverages for baggage loss, luggage delays, flight delays, theft, etc. Also, with COVID-19 cases starting to surge again worldwide, travel insurance is a must, as it also provides coverage for COVID-19 hospitalization. Now let us see how travelling can help reduce stress.
Travelling Help Reduce Stress in Following Ways:
1. Change of Environment:
When you travel to any natural landscape, you get fresh air and sunshine suitable for your health. Fresh air increases oxygen in our blood and gives us more energy. Sunshine is a mood elevator and can help people ward off depression. Also, different activities you do during vacation like mountain climbing, river rafting, or just sitting on the beach, doing the things you enjoy most will relieve stress. The whole point is to get away from a daily schedule. Hence, it is preferable to put those cell phones and laptops away if you want to experience total freedom from your everyday life.
2. Help Reinvent Yourself:
Exploring new places can also give you a fresh start if you're recovering from a significant transition in your life. By travelling and interacting with the people at that destination, you find a new passion for life. Travelling will bring happiness, give you a purpose, and can help you develop as a strong independent person.
3. Boost Happiness and Satisfaction:
Travelling allows you to step away from the daily grind. The new events and experiences help rewire your brain, boosting your mood and self-confidence. Even planning a trip gives people something to look forward to and brings them happiness. Even studies have proven that the anticipation of a trip can increase your happiness substantially, even more than the anticipation of acquiring something tangible.
4. Makes you mentally resilient:
Travelling helps face difficulties in an unfamiliar environment. During your journey, you meet new people, forcing you to learn and adapt to life outside your comfort zone. This makes you more flexible, patient and emotionally strong. While travelling, you might also come across problematic situations like baggage loss, flight delays, theft, etc., which can help you deal with significant issues in life with more grace and patience. However, if you have an international travel insurance policy, you will get coverage for financial losses arising due to unforeseen events.
5. Improve Mental Power:
Your memory and goal-setting abilities are negatively affected when your mind is stressed out. Taking time to go somewhere and get away from work can help you feel more productive and focused when you get back. This is because your brain needs time to rest.
When you travel regularly, not only your mental health improves, but your creativity level also gets enhanced. Exposure to new cultures, making international friends, studying new languages, and taking in different types of food and music have been linked to better problem-solving skills. Travel helps you see the world in a new way. Whenever you plan for a trip, be sure to buy an international travel insurance policy. You can opt for an HDFC ERGO travel insurance plan which provides hassle-free claim settlement.
Disclaimer: The above information is for illustrative purpose only. For more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before concluding the sales.
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