Posted on: Jan 18, 2022 | | Written by:

Here’s How Youth Travel is Becoming Significant to the Global Economy

Published on January 18, 2022. EST READ TIME: 3 minutes

National Youth Day - Travel insurance

India celebrates National Youth day, every year on 12th January. In 1985, the Government of India declared this to celebrate the birthday of Swami Vivekananda. Since the last few decades, the youth have been indulging more in travelling. Hence, we wish to discuss some of the social, economic, and cultural aspects and the power of youth travel on this National Youth Day.

Young people are the future of travel

Youth travel has increased rapidly in the past few decades. Due to heightened living status and the increased population, many people have started travelling and most of them have at least gotten to it for the first time. Research is showing a majority of these people are youth travellers. The UNWTO projects that there could be around 300 million international youth travellers every year. People mostly prefer travel insurance to have safe trips.

Why youth travel is important?

There is a significant contribution by youth travel to the world economy as per the WYSE Travel Confederation.

● Young tourists usually spend more than other travellers

● Young tourists can globally contribute to the market growth, while the possibility of spending capabilities of the older generation towards the economy may not be long-term

● Young travellers generally refrain from travelling to places with civil and political unrest, terrorism, natural disasters, or diseases

● Young travellers are great at discovering new destinations.

● Young tourists are innovative and adapt to new technology

● They experience several cultural benefits and contribute to the places they visit

Things to know about youth travel

1. Youth travel is high value

Youth travellers tend to travel for longer and spend a majority of their entire budget at the places they visit. The WYSE specifies that youth travellers spend around 60 percent of their travel budget on the destination. Currently, young students are travelling within states and abroad for education purposes and are bringing great economic drive, flexibility, and a mobile workforce to many parts of the world.

2. Youth markets are resilient

The youth tourism market is flexible. When the older crowd gradually affects the economic balance negatively, the youth travellers balance it out as they are relatively dynamic and adventurous.

3. The economic impact felt at the local level

Due to increased travelling of the youth, the local people are most benefited. It's tough to find a job to sustain the local people in the rural areas. Being adventurers, the young travellers explore several remote mountain or sea areas for a scenic view and create scope for the local people to find a job in the tourism sector.

4. Young people make important contributions to other industries

Young people often draw others to the destinations they visit by simply sharing their experiences. They contribute in several ways to the atmosphere and create a buzz by attracting other businesses and visitors. Based on these factors, numbers of projects and relocation of industries are taking place in the city centers by making them cultural hubs with creative activities.

5. They often attract others to the destination

Youth travel has high significance as they add long-term value to the places. Research indicates that they tend to revisit the places they liked later in their life with their friends or family. This way a particular place becomes economically sound over time.

6. The effect of the internet

Through the viral effect of the internet, young people are being a great source of information about the places they are visiting. There are several travel blogs helping people receive guides about individual locations through updated stories and visuals. Besides, anyone can book hotels, tickets, and requirements through the travel apps available on the internet. However, having travel insurance with an insurer like HDFC ERGO ensures safety in better terms.

7. Protection of the youth when travelling

Travel apps on the internet provide general safety for all travellers. The young travelers also connect better with the localities that ensure their safety. They consult friends and research efficiently to have prior knowledge of a location. HDFC ERGO suggests that travel insurance is significant to cover yourself for certain losses that might occur during the journey.


Promoting youth travel has plenty of social, economic, and cultural benefits to the individuals and the host community. This National Youth Day, we believe the youth community all over the world understands the importance of responsible and sustainable travel goals. Journeys gathering information from social media can be beneficial but travelling connecting more to the place than to our own social media platforms can have much better benefits.

People mostly prefer travel insurance to have safe trips. It is also essential to have mobile contacts and be on the safest side to have positive travel experiences. We wish you a great trip ahead.

Disclaimer: The above information is for illustrative purpose only. For more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before concluding the sales.


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