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Travel is back but are you ready for international airports?

Published on July 30, 2021. EST READ TIME: 3 minutes

Travel is back but are you ready for international airports?

If you are someone who swears by wanderlust, the last year and a half must have been tough for you. However, now with the second wave subsiding and with vaccination drives in full swing, it’s safe again to travel, be it for business or leisure. But this time around, you need to be careful and follow COVID-19 protocols. Especially, if you are going abroad, you need to be aware of the rules to follow at the airport. So, let’s discuss what to expect at an international airport and why international travel insurance is a must-have in these uncertain times.

International airport guidelines you should follow

Apart from basic precautions like wearing of masks, hand hygiene and social distancing, international travellers are directed to follow the below guidelines:

  • Before arrival, air travellers need to upload a negative RT PCR test report on the concerned portal.

  • The test report should not be older than 72 hours prior to travel.

  • Travellers need to submit a self-declaration form before commencing the trip as well.

  • Arrival without negative report shall be allowed for those travelling only on grounds of emergency such as death in the family.

  • Passengers will be allowed to board the flight only if they have uploaded the negative RT PCR report and self-declaration form on the portal.

  • Only asymptomatic travellers will be allowed to undertake the journey after thermal screening.

  • During screening, if any passenger is found to have symptoms, they will be immediately isolated and shifted to a health care centre.

Importance of buying international travel insurance to secure your trip

Did you know that travel insurance is one of the most important investments, especially for international travel? Being optimistic is a good thing, but life is uncertain, and anything can go wrong during a trip. The risks only increase when you are on foreign soil among people you don’t know. And if you are still mulling whether to secure your trip with travel insurance or not, know that travel insurance is mandatory if you are planning to visit Schengen countries. To ensure you have a perfect vacation as planned, international travel insurance is the best bet and here are the reasons:

  • Medical emergencies: Your savings can go for a toss if you need to avail medical treatment in a foreign country. Thanks to the exorbitant healthcare costs abroad, only a travel insurance policy can come to your aid both financially and mentally. From  ambulance cover to hospitalization to other related costs, international travel insurance will ensure you get all the necessary coverage.

  • Trip cancellation/delays: If, due to an unexpected emergency, you have to cancel or postpone your trip, you may lose a huge amount of money spent on ticket bookings and hotel reservations. But, if you have secured your trip with international travel insurance, you will be either reimbursed or refunded depending on your policy. The travel insurance will compensate for any losses incurred.

  • Loss of baggage/passport/documents: So, you are all excited for the vacation. But what happens when you find out that there’s a loss or delay of checked-in baggage/personal belongings on your arrival? What if your passport gets lost or stolen? Don’t panic. A travel insurance will reimburse the cost of getting a duplicate passport or a new one. If your baggage gets delayed, you will be paid for the essentials that you might have to buy till you receive the baggage. In case of lost baggage, your insurer will pay for the loss upto the sum insured.

  • Protects your home when you travel: When you are travelling, are you constantly worried about the security of your home? Some insurance plans protect your home against theft or fire while you are away. Do check with your insurance provider for the same.

  • Emergency medical evacuation: If your health condition requires that you need to be shifted from your place of stay to the nearest hospital, all the costs involved will be borne by the insurer. Similarly, if you need to be taken back to your country for further medical help or to be among your family members, your international travel insurance will take care of that too.

  • Coverage for the entire family: If you are travelling with family, it’s a good idea to go for family travel insurance that will insure all the members. The reason is travelling with family is more expensive than solo travel and in case of any emergency, the loss can be quite high. In case of family insurance, all members are covered at a low premium.


Having international travel insurance will protect you against any risk that you may face during your trip to a foreign country. Plus, it is essential to follow all the rules at any international airport, so that you can explore the country hassle-free. This way, you can prevent contracting or spreading the virus as well.

Disclaimer:  The above information is for illustrative purpose only. For more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before concluding the sales.

