6 things to keep in mind before you go on a monsoon bike trip
6 things to keep in mind before you go on a monsoon bike trip

Road trips are like a soothing balm for souls bitten by wanderlust. Unlike other modes of travelling, road trips are as much about the journey as they are about the destination. However, unlike what you see in movies or in pop culture, road trips, no matter how spontaneous, require a lot of planning. This assumes greater significance when it’s a motorcycle trip, especially during the monsoons.
So, here are a few things to keep in mind when undertaking a bike trip. Also ensure that you keep your two-wheeler insurance handy:
- Select the right kind of motorcycle
Ensure that the bike you choose is meant for the journey you have in mind. City bikes and scooters don’t fare so well in mountainous regions, while touring bikes and sport-tourers can handle the terrain with ease. Off-road motorbikes, too, aren’t entirely suited to comfortable riding on the highways, but they do well on rugged terrains. Ultimately, you need to be comfortable on the motorcycle you choose. Also consider other options such as luggage carrier, comfortable seat, leg position, and appropriate tyres.
- Wear the right attire
If you’re going to be experiencing a lot of sunshine at some point in the trip or near the destination, it’s recommended to wear full-sleeve jacket and trousers. Wear a full-face helmet, and ankle boots for head-to-toe protection. If rain is to be expected, ensure your jacket is waterproof, or consider stopping under a shade. Avoid baggy or ill-fitting clothes as they can be a safety hazard if they get stuck and trapped at odd places.
- Pack smart
With motorcycles, you do not have the luxury of adequately packing your belongings, unlike a car. So, pack essentials such as a change of clothes, water, toiletries, a first-aid kit, and some basic tools for your bike. Make sure to carry it all in a waterproof bag or cover your bag with plastic to protect your belongings from the elements. You can consider carrying a water bottle with a tube since dehydration is a common danger while riding long distances. That way, you won’t have to stop to drink water, and you’ll cover larger distances while staying hydrated.
- Research the route
Know exactly the roads that you will be taking. It will paint a better picture of the experience if you know your route well. You can brace yourself for gravel or unmetalled roads and it will allow you to make modifications accordingly. You will also stop less and enjoy the ride instead of worrying about whether you’re on the right track. If needed, get a mobile holder with a waterproof cover for your bike’s handlebar, so you’re confident about the route at all times.
- Take breaks
The more seasoned biker you are, the more likely you are to take fewer breaks. However, this is also route and weather dependent. If you’ve researched your route well, you will have an idea as to where you can take breaks. Be wary of the weather as well as it can rain anytime during the monsoon. Take waterproof clothes that are easy to wear and remove for when the sun peeks out from the clouds after a rain spell.
- Carry essentials
Keep loose change handy for tolls and check posts. You never know when you’ll pass by the last ATM and the last thing you want to do on your journey is to stop by one to withdraw cash only to see the machine malfunctioning. Also, carry spare fuel in case you are going to a remote location. You don’t want to be stranded in the middle of nowhere. Finally, keep your bike insurance documents ready as well as your driver’s license. You are likely to encounter check posts especially when crossing border lines.
Having a valid insurance policy for bike, is especially important, given that you are travelling away from your home base, and into uncharted territories. Nowadays, you can avail two-wheeler insurance online to make things simpler. When you are on the road, you are prone to accidents and mishaps, no matter how experienced a biker you are. In such cases, insurance can come in handy and cover you financially. Also remember that while THIRD-PARTY BIKE INSURANCE will only cover damages to the third party or their property, a COMPREHENSIVE INSURANCE POLICY FOR BIKE will cover damages to your own bike as well.
So, by keeping the above tips in mind, you can gear up for an awesome bike trip even during the rainy months. Have fun and safe travels!
Disclaimer: The above information is for illustrative purpose only. For more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before concluding the sales.
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