Bike Modifications - All That You Need to Know
Bike Modifications - All That You Need to Know
As soon as you buy a new bike, you need to get a two wheeler insurance plan. The Indian authorities have clearly laid out some rules wherein covering your vehicle with a bike policy is compulsory. The premium is quite standard across most of the leading insurance providers so you can easily compare and find the best option. However, if you modify your bike in any way, your premium will change. At times, the insurance provider may decline to sell you a bike insurance policy altogether. Take a look at this article to know more about bike modifications and how they impact the insurance coverage of your vehicle.
Modification of safety features
A two wheeler insurance policy covers your bike against various perils including theft. When your bike is well protected and difficult to steal, the insurance provider takes cognizance of the fact and offers a discount on the insurance premium. Hence, it is highly advisable for you to get some safety features installed on the bike. The two best advantages of doing so are:
● Enhancing the safety
First and foremost, these devices enhance the safety of your bike. If for some reason you need to park your bike out in the street, you should have a safety gadget. If you leave your bike in public places for long periods of time every day, then also these gadgets would be of help to you. So, keeping the safety of the vehicle in mind, invest in some of the best and most effective safety gadgets for your two-wheeler.
● Making a profit
You will make several financial profits when you install a safety gadget on your bike. Firstly, you get a handsome discount on the two-wheeler insurance premium. Then, your bike stays safe and you don't have to worry about the financial losses that stem from attenuated thefts, tampering, etc. So, when you have a safety device on your bike, you get several financial benefits.
Keeping these points in mind, you should try to install the gadgets right away. Some of the most effective bike safety devices include anti-theft alarms, central locking systems, etc.
Aesthetic modifications
The next common type of bike modification is aesthetic modification. Aesthetic modification refers to any change in the looks of the bike. If you add or remove any component from the bike to make it look better, it counts as an aesthetic modification. People commonly alter the colour of the bike, change the headlights, change the mirrors, change the tyres etc. Attaching additional accessories to the bike is also frequently seen and all of these contribute to aesthetic modifications in a bike.
Aesthetic modifications in a bike may have certain implications on the two wheeler insurance premium. The insurer may ask for a higher premium for various reasons. Some of them are:
● More attractive
When your bike is very attractive and different from the other vehicles around, it stands out. This brings it to the forefront and makes it more visible to the robbers. This is a big reason why the vehicle is seen as being riskier to cover and so the insurer charges a higher premium for the policy.
● Less safe
The bike manufacturers conduct years of extensive research, multiple tests, etc to ensure the crucial parts of the bike such as the tyres and the brakes work well. The safety of the bike greatly depends on the working capacity of the key components. However, when you modify your bike and change these components, the safety factor is compromised. The new tyres you choose to make the bike look good may not be as sturdy and safe as the company-fitted ones. This makes the bike more prone to accidents, increasing the risk to the insurance provider. Subsequently, you are charged a higher premium.
At times, when a bike is modified excessively, the insurance provider refuses to issue the policy altogether. This is done as the bike is seen as being too risky and highly susceptible to theft. Remember to change the looks of your bike in a practical manner, without going too overboard with the job. If your bike is too modified you won't be able to get insurance cover and that will prove to be very inconvenient and dangerous for you.
Performance modification
Any modification done to the bike to increase its performance is considered to be a performance modification. While such modifications happen from time to time, you have to be very careful to ensure you don't modify your bike to an extent where it becomes unsafe. Riders modify their bikes to make them go faster or to save fuel. Often. Performance modifications convert a bike into a superbike. Most insurers show reluctance to cover the bikes that have received performance modifications and this is mainly because such modifications make the bike unstable and very prone to mishaps. Therefore, you need to check with your insurance provider before you modify to ensure you can get a good two wheeler insurance policy after the modification.
Things to remember before you modify your bike
It is ok to make a few changes to your bike, but always remember to do so within the correct limits. If you are planning to get your two-wheeler modified, here is an important checklist for you:
● Be aware of what’s allowed
Before you change anything on the bike, be aware of what is allowed and what is not. Never make any illegal modifications as that can land you in some serious trouble later on.
● Check with your insurer
Next, you need to check with your insurance provider to ensure the modifications are permissible and you will get the insurance cover after you get them done. If your insurer says the bike would become uninsurable after the changes, think twice before carrying them out.
● Never compromise on the safety
And finally, never compromise on the safety of the bike. A good looking bike is great, but getting the bike to work well and keep you safe on the road is more vital. So, when altering the parts or replacing them, make sure you use good-quality and sturdy products that would keep the vehicle safe and stable.
As you can clearly see from the points mentioned above, bike modifications need to be carried out with a lot of care and thought. If you wish to make changes to your bike, go ahead and do so but remember to keep it safe and legal. Also, get the best two wheeler insurance policy and keep your vehicle covered at all times.
Disclaimer: The above information is for illustrative purpose only. For more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before concluding the sales.
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