How to Fix Small Dents in Bike Frame
How to Fix Small Dents in Bike Frame
Published on March 1, 2022. EST READ TIME: 3 minutes

Most of the vehicles, no matter how well made, accidentally get some dents with the time of use. The most common repair job done to cars by body shops is dent repair. A regular bike owner can perform dent repair on his own vehicle but you have to have basic knowledge about the process involved and techniques used for performing it. A small dent can be removed easily from a newer two-wheeler using some simple tools available in the garage. If you don't have access to any professional auto body shop, then you are probably looking for a DIY guide on repairing a dent in a car body for yourself. This article explains the typical reasons for getting a dent on our bike and how to repair it. In case of a bigger dent, it is advisable to get it repaired by a professional under your bike insurance coverage. If you don’t have one, compare two-wheeler insurance products today - you won’t regret it.
Typical reasons for obtaining dents
We all know the unpleasant feeling when your bike suffers an unexpected dent in its body. Whether you've been in an accident, collided with an opening car door, or hit a pothole, bike body repair can be pricey and that dent is a sore scar on your pride as a rider. So how could you avoid it?
1. Parking Lot Mishaps
There's an explanation why you should leave enough space while parking near other vehicles. Among the most prevalent sources of bike, dents are car doors. Consider the following scenario: the passengers in the automobile next to your bike are in a rush or are negligent enough to swing their car doors open with enough strength to strike a side of your bike. When you get back to your car, the only thing left is an unsightly ding. To prevent this, always park in the most open part of a parking lot.
2. Supermarket Carts
Car doors aren't the only object that may collide with your bike and cause dents. While supermarket carts appear to be innocuous, if they are left on a slope, they can slide with enough force to impact your bike, causing them to fall on one another and create a dent. Unfortunately, most supermarket customers don't care where they park their carts, so it's totally up to you to keep your bike safe.
3. Weather
Hail, windstorms, tornadoes, hurricanes, and other natural disasters can pose a risk to vehicles and their contents. They are not only dangerous at the event itself but can also damage vehicles hours later. This includes everything from fallen trees to flying debris. If you have ever been caught up in a serious storm, then you know how bad these events get. You should be clued into the weather conditions wherever you live.
Compare two-wheeler insurance products today. Comprehensive bike insurance coverage covers all the damages caused to your two-wheeled beauty by hailstorms, cyclones as well as other natural disasters.
4. Tight Corners
How many times have you tried to squeeze your bike through a tight space only to get it stuck and then realize that you've dented the side of your bike?
If you're riding with a tight space in mind, be it your garage, the alley near your apartment building, or even on the road while trying to pass another vehicle - it's best not to get close. If you want to avoid dents, your best bet is to give yourself plenty of room - enough so that you don't have to squeeze through a tight space. Declutter your basement and garage so you have plenty of room to manoeuvre when moving around and parking your two-wheeled beauty. Knowing the most frequent causes of vehicle dents can help you be more careful and active about protecting your bike. But if you do happen to receive one, here's how to fix it.
How do you repair a dent on your bike?
If dented, certain double-tanked bikes offer a problem. However, if your motorcycle has one tank, you must first detach the tank top. Following that, simply follow these steps to repair your dent:
1. The principal method for fixing the damage is sand. The raw metal should be sanded.
2. Then you must apply Bondo to the damaged area. Blend the Bondo according to the package directions and spread it to the dented area with a plastic spreader. Plaster the whole dent and spare some extra stuff all around the dent to utilize afterwards when touching up.
3. Once the paste has set, begin sanding the dent using a grit of around 200 microns or lower, based on the density of the paste.
4. Continue to increase the grit size to roughly 1000 to 1500 microns such that the Bondo blends with the colour of the paint and shows no traces of borders or external paints.
5. Repeating the method multiple times will eliminate a deeper dent. A thick coating of Bondo accompanied by gritting with a higher grit range will do the work.
Simple procedures such as heating or chilling the dented area and then pressing the lowest section of the crater outward can also be used to repair a dent. A plunger, similar to a bathroom suction, can be used to remove the damage. However, before using suction, wipe the dented area with a moist cloth to ensure that the suction has a tight grasp on the region. You may simply go to a technician to get your ding repaired without affecting the paint cover. If you have insurance on your bike, you may file a cashless claim at any of the network garages and have the repair completed quickly. Compare two-wheeler insurance products and buy one now!
Even a minor ding might result in a major hassle and, obviously, further investment. A two-wheeler dent repair expense can be effectively covered by a Bike insurance plan that gives such additional coverage through rider benefits at the expense of a minor excess premium amount. A comprehensive motorbike insurance policy covers all types of damages, losses, and legal liabilities directly linked to the usage of the bike. This kind of top-class cover is immune to any hidden charges or costs and implicitly guarantees undisputable protection against all kinds of losses as well as other risks. However, you must compare two-wheeler insurance products before buying one.
Disclaimer: The above information is for illustrative purpose only. For more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before concluding the sales.
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