Importance of Maintaining the Optimum Tyre Pressure in Two-wheelers
Importance of Maintaining the Optimum Tyre Pressure in Two-wheelers

Tips to maintain the tyre pressure
Listed below are the best ways in which you can maintain the tyre pressure in your bike or scooter:
1. Check for correct placement:
First and foremost, you need to ensure the tyre is placed correctly. Unless the tyre placement is correct, you cannot ride your bike safely. And as we all know, a faulty bike with faulty tyres can lead to serious accidents. Be safe and get the tyres fixed by professionals. Also, make use of your bike insurance plan and get your two-wheeler serviced from time to time to ensure there are no problems with the tyres and their placement.
2. Check for wear and tear:
The tyres of your bike take a lot of beating all through the day. This is why wear and tear commonly happens. Check the tyres regularly, preferably every day, to spot any punctures caused by sharp objects such as nails or glass. Also, check to see if the exterior part of the tyre has undergone any major wear and tear. If you notice any such flaw, take your bike to the garage immediately and get the problem fixed.
3. Be aware of the correct pressure:
Maintaining optimum tyre pressure is what is going to give your scooter or bike stability on the road. It will also give you proper and greater control of the vehicle. This is why you need to know what the optimum pressure should be. Every tyre, based on the size and magnitude of the vehicle, has a different pressure requirement. Be aware of the pressure requirement for the tyres of your two-wheeler as that will make it easier for you to keep your bike safe at all times.
4. Check the pressure:
Once you know how important it is to maintain the pressure of your bike, and you also know what the optimum pressure should be, remember to check the pressure regularly. The service is available free of cost at most petrol pumps in India. Also, many road-side tyre shops easily do the job for you. So get this done regularly and if you notice a drop in the pressure, get it restored to ensure maximum riding safety.
5. Inflate sufficiently:
While it is very important to have inflated tyres of all two-wheelers, you should never over-inflate a bike or scooter tyre. If the tyres are over-inflated, the pressure will be too high and this can lead to you having poor control over the vehicle, which is a very dangerous thing. Thus, remember to inflate the tyres sufficiently and then take the two-wheeler out on the road.
Once you take care of these factors, your two-wheeler will have the perfect tyre pressure and will run smoothly on any road you ride it on. If you fail to do so, the tyres of your two-wheeler may malfunction and you will end up with a bike insurance claim.
Importance of maintaining the tyre pressure:
While the tyres are one of the most important components of the bike, they are often ignored. You take very good and close care of the bike’s engine, its gearbox, etc but ignore the tyres! This is a faulty practice and something that you must refrain from. Take care of the two-wheeler’s tyres or else you may face the following problems:
● Lower control:
The tyres are like the feet of your bike or scooter. They give support to your vehicle. This is why the amount of control you have over your two-wheeler greatly depends on the tyres. You need to have good tyres that are always in perfect condition to ensure you have optimum control over your vehicle when you take it out for a ride. If the tyres are deflated or have any flaws, your vehicle can skid or simply refuse to go ahead, causing many problems for you.
● Uncomfortable ride:
When you ride the bike with improper tyres that are deflated or in a bad shape, the ride becomes very uncomfortable. This is especially noticeable when you ride for long hours. Stay away from this problem by regularly checking the condition and pressure of both the tyres and you should be able to ensure a smooth time each and every time.
● Frequent accidents:
As mentioned above, the tyres give a foothold to the vehicle. Quite understandably then, you will get into frequent accidents if the tyres don't function properly. When the pressure is low in the tyre, you can lose control of the vehicle and crash it. This can lead to a bike insurance claim, and more dangerously, can cause you serious bodily harm. Since safety is one of the biggest requirements, check the pressure of the tyres regularly to ensure they would make your ride a safe one.
As you can see, maintaining the optimum tyre pressure is very important. So do not ignore this at any cost and keep your bike in a healthy condition at all times.
As you can clearly see from the points mentioned above, taking care of the two-wheeler’s tyres is very important. You need to assure there is optimum pressure in the tyres and they are properly inflated. Also, get the tyres checked from time to time and detect any type of wear and tear. Make use of your bike insurance cover and get the vehicle serviced at regular intervals to enjoy a smooth and hassle-free ride every time you take it out on the streets.
Disclaimer: The above information is for illustrative purpose only. For more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before concluding the sales.
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