Posted on: Apr 25, 2022 | | Written by:

Top Summer-friendly Tips for Your Bike’s Maintenance

Summer friendly tips for bike

Summers are quite harsh in India and you need to keep your bike and its parts safe. While having the best bike insurance cover helps, there are also some very easy ways in which you can look after your bike and ensure it stays in a good condition all through summer. Whether you use your bike on a daily basis or you use it sparingly, you will have a lot of maintenance problems if you do not care for it during summertime. From regular breakdowns to excessive fuel consumption, a lot of issues can crop up if you do not follow the basic guidelines. What exactly are these guidelines and how can they be of help? Let’s find out.

Easy guidelines to maintain your bike during summer:

The Indian summers are very predictable - hot, humid, sunny and very uncomfortable! But even with these harsh conditions, life goes on and you have to commute on a daily basis. If you commute on your trusted bike, the bike will be exposed to the same harsh conditions and you need to ensure it doesn't take a huge beating due to these conditions. Thankfully, there are some simple tips you can follow and keep your bike safe. Here are some of them:

1. Keep an eye on tyre pressure and treads:

The tyres are perhaps the most important component of your bike. The tyres take your vehicle forward, offer balance and work to make your ride safe. This is why you need to pay extra and very close attention to the condition of the tyres of the bike. When investing in a pair of bike tyres, ensure you get the best and the most reliable tyres which would last you a long time. The threads on the tyre shouldn't wear out soon.

The threads are very crucial as they offer the correct support to the vehicle. They do so by providing the right level of friction with the road. If the treads are worn out, the tyres may skid and this can lead to serious accidents. This is why you need to check the tyres regularly and ensure the tyre treads are visible and in place.

Next, you need to maintain the correct tyre pressure. This is another important point to consider because the tyre pressure is directly responsible for the tyre’s performance. If the pressure is too high, the bike will bounce and be unstable. If the pressure is too low, the bike will drag and fail to pick up speed. Every tyre has its own manufacturer-set ideal pressure. Be aware of what this is and ensure the pressure is maintained. The tyre is made of rubber and in the summers, the heat makes the rubber expand. Unless the pressure is correct, the tyre won't be able to handle the changes and the stress and you may get involved in an accident.

To avoid this, check the overall health of the tyres regularly and ride safely.

2. Check the essential fluids:

A bike runs on its fluids. From the petrol to the brake oil to the engine oil, you need to fuel the vehicle to have it perform well. If there is a problem with the oils, you will face a problem. This is all the more pertinent in summer because the fuels have a dual purpose - they contribute to the vehicle’s performance and they also keep the parts cool and lubricated. Unless you focus on maintaining the fuels and oils, your bike won't run smoothly this summer. Here are some of the essential fluids you should focus on are the petrol. The brake oil, the engine oil, etc. To keep your bike running smoothly in summer, ensure you check the essential fluids on a regular basis. This is an important task and you should not skip it.

3. Avoid filling the entire fuel tank:

This is a common error that needs to be avoided at all times, especially during the months of summer. Oil expands with heat. When you fill the fuel tank completely, there is no space for the fuel to expand. When you start the bike and it runs for a while, the engine and other components heat up internally. The external heat due to the weather also contributes to the temperature of the bike. This results in the oil spilling over.

All spills can be very dangerous and lead to your bike malfunctioning. Also, you will see a lower fuel efficiency and the parts of the bike, after getting soaked with oil, will start to falter. Steer clear of all these issues by simply filling the oil a little less than the full mark. Do this at all times, but definitely during summer.

Importance of a good bike insurance plan

As you saw, following certain practices such as getting the tyres checked and maintaining the fuel requirements go a long way, getting a bike insurance plan proves to be crucial. Even after your best efforts, your bike may encounter certain problems. This is why you should get a good bike insurance plan. The bike insurance plan will act as a cushion and if your bike breaks down or needs extensive repairs, you can fall back on the insurance coverage. Invest in a comprehensive bike policy and keep every aspect of the bike safe. Fortunately, it is very easy to buy two-wheeler insurance in India. There are many options available and you can easily compare to find the best and the most economical option. Once that is done, you can proceed to buy the bike insurance plan online in a quick and convenient manner. Renewing the policy is equally important so ensure you keep your vehicle covered at all times so that when in need, you can simply make a claim and get the issues sorted.


As you can clearly see from the points mentioned above, keeping your bike in a good condition during summer is important. Thankfully, there are some very simple ways in which this can be done. So now that you know these easy tips, go ahead and give them a shot. Also, get a very good and comprehensivebike insurance plan so that your bike is always in the best condition.

Disclaimer: The above information is for illustrative purpose only. For more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before concluding the sales.


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