Things to Do When Traffic Police Tow Away Your Bike
Things to Do When Traffic Police Tow Away Your Bike
Published on July 24, 2023. EST READ TIME: 3 minutes

Imagine, you are already late to meet a friend. You reach the restaurant where your friend is waiting, but in a rush, you park your bike a little away from the authorised parking. A while later, you come out, only to find that your bike is nowhere to be found. You are then informed by the people standing there that it has been towed away by the traffic police.
If such an incident has happened to you, you must be well aware that the traffic police taking your vehicle is not just inconvenient, but also quite embarrassing. But why do traffic police do this? Let us dig in a little deeper to find out the reasons, and also understand the right thing to do in such a precarious situation.
Understanding the reasons behind towing
The reason behind towing is rarely anything other than incorrect parking. Let us take a look at some of the most common mistakes people make when parking their bikes:
1. The bike is parked in a No Parking area
2. The bike is causing obstruction or danger to the other users on the road
3. The bike is parked on a footpath/ traffic light/ pedestrian crossing
4. Parking the bike in front of service spots or public utilities can attract fine
5. The bike is parked over a bridge
6. Roads that have white lines are important pathways, one should avoid parking on such roads
7. Parking the bike in front of a school or hospital gate
8. The bike is parked on a fast-paced road
9. The bike has been unattended for over 10 hours in a public place.
Steps to Follow When Your Two-wheeler Gets Towed
Avoiding your bike getting towed by the police is not really tough. Be cautious and do not violate traffic rules. Try not to make any of the above-listed mistakes when leaving your bike unattended. It can be painful to see your vehicle getting towed. It is not just legal trouble, but very often your bike may get scratched or damaged while towing. Your bike insurance may offer you compensation for these damages depending on the type of coverage that you have opted for.
If you have third-party coverage only, then you may not be able to raise a claim for these repairs, as this coverage is only to cover your third-party liabilities. However, if you have standalone bike insurance or comprehensive bike insurance , you will be able to get suitable compensation. Make sure that you carefully choose the IDV in bike insurance . The IDV should be accurate, and neither too high nor too low.
Let us now take a look at the steps to follow if your vehicle has been towed:
1. Gather some information
Ask the bystanders or the locals about your bike. Some eyewitnesses may be able to tell you the time your bike was picked up, who towed it etc. In case of a wrongful tow, you may need the eyewitness to speak in your favour.
2. Visit the nearest RTO
You can visit the government website to find out the addresses and contact numbers of all the RTOs in your city.
3. Keep the documents ready
When leaving for the RTO, make sure to carry your driver’s license, the vehicle’s RC and your bike insurance policy.
4. Check for damages
When you find your bike, check it for any dents, scratches or any other damages that it may have sustained. If you find any such issues, click pictures and inform your bike insurance provider as soon as possible.
5. Pay the penalties
Your bike was towed because there was a traffic violation. You will have to pay the required penalty in order to get custody of your bike.
When you are at the RTO, try not to blame or point fingers at the police officials for towing your bike, even if it has suffered some damage. The towing and penalising are done to create awareness and correct this mistake. Take responsibility for the mistake and pay the required fine. Remember, do not try to bribe, as it can worsen the situation.
In case you feel it was not your mistake, you can take up the case with the higher officials or lodge a written complaint. Keep yourself cool and calm, as it will help you make the right decision.
Dealing with potential fines or penalties
In some cities, the penalty for bikes that have been towed has been increased. For example, in Pune1, the fine has been increased to INR 460 from INR 436. The errant motorist will also have to bear the 18% GST that is levied on the towing.
Preventing future towing situations
It is important for everyone to be well aware of the parking and towing rules in the country. As per the Motor Vehicle Act, 1988, sections 127 and 201, if you leave your vehicle unattended for over 10 hours, police officials can remove it. While traffic and parking rules may vary a little from city to city and state to state, the basics are often the same. Make sure you are well aware of the motor laws in your city. Try abiding by them so that you do not get into unnecessary legal trouble.
Parking incorrectly to save yourself some time or to save yourself walking a few steps can prove to be very costly. Make sure that you park your bike safely and correctly to save it and yourself from all the hassle. Abide by the traffic rules and enjoy riding.
Disclaimer: The above information is for illustrative purposes only. For more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before concluding the sales.
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