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How to be a good biker? Follow these 7 simple tips!

Published on February 14, 2022. EST READ TIME: 3 minutes

How to be a good biker? Follow these 7 simple tips!

Riding a bike maybe a necessity for you or your passion! But whether you use your two-wheeler for daily commute or exciting and long journeys, being a good biker can make your life easy. It can also keep others around you safe and help you make the most of your vehicle. So, here are a few tips on how you can be a good biker.

1. Follow road discipline:

Road discipline is what keeps everyone on the road safe. Road users include other people who are driving, riding or walking on the roads and it means that you should always follow traffic rules. You need to be careful about speed limits and should never overtake other vehicles from the wrong side. Good bikers never jump a red traffic light too. You should never drink and drive, and you should always stop and give passage to emergency vehicles like ambulances, fire tenders and police vehicles. Most importantly, you need to remain calm at all times and never indulge in road rage.

2. Take good care of your bike:

Loving your bike and taking good care of it is an integral part of being a good biker. So, you should always keep it in good running condition and follow the service and maintenance routine as advised by the bike manufacturer. To be a gook biker, you must regularly check the engine oil, brake fluid and brake pads of the bike. Replace them if they start to wear out.

3. Keep your documentation in order:

While riding your bike, you are required to carry your driving license, your bike registration certificate, pollution under control certificate and a valid two-wheeler insurance policy with you. Being a responsible biker is all about following the law and keeping the documents valid and presenting them when asked for.

4. Help a fellow biker:

Remember that even if a fellow biker has valid two-wheeler insurance, in case they run out of fuel or get stranded with a flat tyre, their insurance company will take some time to come to their aid. So, if you can, try to help them in such situations. Doing good to others will come back to you for sure if you get stuck in a tough spot yourself someday.

5. Always wear a helmet:

A helmet provides you the safety and protection you need while riding a bike on busy Indian roads. A good quality ISI marked helmet has enough strength to protect a rider from what can be a fatal injury otherwise. It can turn a major injury into minor scrapes and bruises or even small concussions. So, if you want to be a good biker, always wear a sturdy, approved helmet. Similarly, ensure that your pillion does the same. Remember that helmets are not only meant to protect you from challans, but to actually keep you safe.

6. Give way to pedestrians:

Pedestrians have the first right to a road. The number of people who walk on roads are way more than those who ride bikes or drive cars. Plus, pedestrians are in a more vulnerable condition. That is because, as a biker, you can wear a helmet for protection, but pedestrians cannot. So, as a responsible biker, always slow down when you see pedestrians. Slow down especially in populated areas or near schools and hospitals.

7. Keep your bike’s pollution under control:

Everyone knows that bikes run on fossil fuels. We still have a long way to go before every rider gets an electric bike. So, as a good biker, you should make sure that your bike’s pollution is under control. As per government rules, every vehicle that uses an internal combustion engine should have a pollution under control certificate. So, make sure you have one.

Always keep in mind that being a good biker is not just about your honing your riding skills and style, it is also about being a responsible road user who follows traffic rules, is considerate towards others, is mindful of safety, and has two-wheeler insurance and other essential documents.

Disclaimer: The above information is for illustrative purpose only. For more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before concluding the sales.


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