Posted on: Jul 31, 2024 | 3 mins | Written by: HDFC ERGO Team

What is Scooter Insurance: Benefits & Coverage

What Is Scooter Insurance

Owning a scooter comes with unmatched convenience, ease of movement through traffic, and economic travel. With these advantages comes the responsibility of making sure that your vehicle is adequately insured. That is where understanding what is scooter insurance becomes very important. This policy covers various risks, including theft, accidents, and damages due to natural or man-made disasters.

This blog will provide extensive information on scooter insurance and how it can work in protecting your investment.

What is Scooter Insurance?

Scooter insurance is a policy designed to protect the policyholder from various risks that may arise from owning and riding a scooter. It provides financial protection in case of accidents, theft, or damage to the scooter, as well as liability coverage for injuries or property damage caused to others.

The bike insurance ensures that you are not left to handle the financial burden alone, irrespective of the severity of the accident or the extent of damage.

Types of Scooter Insurance Coverage

The different types of scooter insurance coverage are as follows:

1. Third-Party Insurance

Third-party insurance is the most basic form of scooter insurance and is mandatory by law. It covers the damages caused to a third party in an accident involving the insured vehicle. This includes property damage, bodily injury, or even death. However, it does not cover the policyholder’s scooter or any personal injuries.

2. Comprehensive Insurance

Comprehensive bike insurance offers extensive coverage, protecting against third-party liabilities as well as damages to the policyholder’s scooter. It compensates for the repairs arising out of damages caused to the vehicle due to theft, accidents, or natural and man-made calamities. Opting for comprehensive bike insurance ensures complete protection, mitigating financial losses in various scenarios.

3. Collision Coverage

Collision coverage is designed to cover the cost of repairs or replacement if your scooter is damaged in a mishap with another vehicle or object. While comprehensive bike insurance includes collision coverage, some insurers offer it as a standalone policy for those who prefer additional protection.

4. Personal Accident Coverage

Personal accident coverage provides financial compensation in case of injuries sustained by the rider during an accident. This extends to medical expenses, disability benefits, and even death benefits, ensuring that the policyholder or their family receives necessary financial support during challenging times.

Benefits of Scooter Insurance

The following are some of the benefits of scooter insurance.

Financial Stability:

Scooter insurance can provide financial safety after an accident, as it compensates the individual for sudden repair costs, medical bills, and legal liabilities arising due to the accident.

Legal Compliance:

In India, at least third-party bike insurance is mandatory. This will keep you out of legal trouble and prevent any large fines.

Peace of Mind:

You can comfortably ride with full confidence and peace of mind, knowing that your scooter is protected from all types of risks.

Theft Protection:

Comprehensive motor insurance provides compensation to the policyholder in the event of scooter theft. It ensures you never bear a total loss.

Natural Disaster Coverage:

Most motor policies insure your vehicle for damages from natural disasters, so you don't have to bear the monetary burden.

How to Choose the Right Scooter Insurance?

When choosing the right bike insurance, you must consider the following factors.

Assess our Needs:

Check how much coverage you need, considering where you reside and your riding habits, among other factors.

Compare the Policies:

Knowing what is available in the market will help you find the best policy for you. Take some time to research insurance products offered by several different providers.

Check for Exclusions and Inclusions:

Take note of what the policy excludes and includes so that there are no unpleasant surprises once you make a claim.


Check out additional coverage options—for example, zero depreciation, roadside assistance, and engine protection that help enhance your policy.

Read Reviews:

One can get an idea about the claim settlement and customer service of insurers based on the reviews and ratings given by customers.

Common Myths About Scooter Insurance

While insurance offers several benefits, there are several myths surrounding a two-wheeler policy. Here are some misconceptions and the facts.

Myth 1:

Private insurance covers both personal and business use vehicles


Private vehicle insurance pays only for the damages caused to scooters used for personal purposes. You need commercial vehicle insurance to get coverage for bikes or four-wheelers used for business activities.

Myth 2:

A vehicle insurance policy can be cancelled at any time without any restrictions


Your auto insurance can be cancelled at any time. It may be wise to inquire about your insurer's cancellation policy before proceeding. Certain companies impose cancellation fees or demand a notice period.

Myth 3:

Pillion riders are included in two-wheeler comprehensive insurance


Comprehensive insurance doesn’t cover a pillion rider. You have to purchase a pillion rider add-on to insure the person sitting behind the rider in a motorbike.

Myth 4:

Third-party insurance is sufficient 


Third-party insurance doesn't cover the damages to your scooter; it will only protect you against third-party liabilities. Comprehensive scooter insurance gives you wider coverage.

Myth 5:

Insurance bought online is risky and costly.


One can buy scooter insurance online, which is completely safe and convenient. The other added advantages associated with it are less paperwork and easy comparison.

Tips for Lowering Scooter Insurance Premiums

The following are some tips you can follow to lower your insurance premiums

Increase Your Deductible:

Increase your deductible to lower your premium, but make sure that you have enough resources to meet any out-of-pocket expenses that might occur.

Bundle Plans:

In case you drive more than one vehicle, taking multiple car insurance under one policy often entitles you to a large discount from the insurance company.

Keep a Clean Riding Record:

Maintaining a riding record devoid of any incidents or offenses will help in keeping premiums low.

Install Anti-Theft Devices and Other Safety Mechanisms:

You can get a discount on your insurance premium by installing anti-theft devices and other safety features on your scooter.

Review Your Policy Annually:

Make sure you are getting the best deal by periodically reviewing your insurance and comparing it with other available insurance.


Scooter insurance is an important measure for the protection of a scooter and its owner. It safeguards the policyholder against financial losses. Understanding the benefits, and types of coverage, and steering clear of common myths will help you choose the best insurance for your scooter.

Frequently Answered Questions

What does scooter insurance cover?

Scooter insurance typically covers theft, accidental damage, third-party liabilities, and sometimes personal injury. Specific coverage details depend on the policy.

How is the scooter insurance premium calculated?

Premiums are calculated based on factors like the scooter's age, model, location, usage, and the rider's driving history, among other considerations.

Can I transfer my scooter insurance policy?

Yes, scooter insurance can be transferred to a new owner when it is sold. You must notify the insurance company about this and provide the necessary documentation.

Is scooter insurance mandatory?

Yes, in India at least third-party liability insurance is mandatory for all scooter owners to cover damages or injuries caused to others.

Disclaimer: The above information is for illustrative purposes only. For more details, please refer to the policy wordings and prospectus before concluding the sales.


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