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Foods that can Cause Miscarriage

Pregnancy is a crucial phase when you must take good care of your overall well-being to prevent associated complications. While many foods can benefit you and your baby, certain foods can harm your health and increase the risk of miscarriage. Here, we will highlight some foods that can cause miscarriage, so make sure you avoid them throughout your pregnancy.

Following foods should be avoided to prevent miscarriage -

1. Papaya

This is one of the foods to avoid during pregnancy as this fruit contains certain enzymes that can cause uterine contractions and miscarriage.

2. Pineapple

An enzyme called bromelain in pineapples can harm pregnant women. Consuming pineapple juice during pregnancy can also cause stillbirth.

3. Aloe vera

Aloe vera juice can cause pelvic haemorrhage in pregnant women which can lead to uterine bleeding and miscarriage. Hence, it is best to avoid aloe vera in any form during pregnancy.

4. Animal liver

Though this food is nutritious, it is not safe for pregnant women and the foetus. This is because animal liver contains high amounts of a type of vitamin A called retinol which can harm the unborn baby.

5. Raw sprouts

Raw sprouts can get contaminated with harmful bacteria like Listeria, Salmonella, and E. coli which can harm you and your foetus, and cause miscarriage.

6. Sprouted potatoes

Sprouted potatoes contain a toxic glycoalkaloid called solanine in high concentration which can enhance the risk of congenital disabilities and miscarriage.

7. Spices

Certain spices, such as garlic and angelica, can cause blood thinning. Therefore, excessive consumption of these can result in uterine bleeding and miscarriage. You must also avoid asafoetida, Ajinomoto and fenugreek to prevent premature contractions during pregnancy.

8. Unpasteurised dairy products

Avoid consuming raw or unpasteurised milk products during pregnancy. These include raw milk, soft cheese, and any other products made from raw milk. This is because raw milk can contain harmful bacteria like E. coli, Salmonella and Listeria, which can harm the foetus and lead to miscarriage.

9. Uncooked eggs

If you include eggs in your diet, make sure they are cooked well as raw or partially cooked eggs contain Salmonella, the harmful bacteria that can cause diarrhoea, vomiting and stomach cramps. These health issues can harm the foetus and can cause miscarriage.

10. Raw meat and fish

These raw foods can contain harmful bacteria that can cause life-threatening infections and other conditions. Raw meat can also cause neurological conditions in the child and stillbirth.

In addition, you must also stay away from smoked seafood, junk food, crabs, high-mercury fish, peaches, wild apples and energy drinks during pregnancy. Also, it is wise to avoid drumsticks and sesame seeds in the first trimester to avoid complications. Wash and peel fruits and vegetables properly before consuming them.


Be mindful of what you are eating and avoid foods that can cause miscarriage to prevent complications during pregnancy. Eat healthy and take the prescribed supplements for a safe and happy pregnancy journey.

One of the important components of our overall wellness is also being financially secured. Healthcare emergencies can happen any time, but a good health insurance policy can protect you from such uncertain situations. To know more about Wellness and other health related tips, visit the Wellness Corner

Source: bebodywise, timesofindia, nidirect

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Published on October 09, 2023