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8 Hasta Mudras and their Benefits

Yoga has various physical and mental benefits, and its origins can be traced way back to 5,000 years. There are different formats, types, and poses included within yoga, and “Hasta Mudras” or hand gestures play prominent part in it. Read on to know more about hasta mudras and their benefits.

Yoga & Hand Gestures

Hasta Mudras are hand gestures that assist in guiding energy flow to particular parts of your brain. Mudras come in different types, and each type has different benefits. While you can restore your body using physical postures, various yoga poses can assist you to balance all your body elements. That’s where Mudras come in.

The good thing about yoga Mudras is that they only require hand gesture, which means that there is not much physical activity involved.

Variations of Yoga Mudras

There are mainly two kinds of postures in yoga, one where the thumb touches the other fingertips and creates a pose called mudra yoga and the other where a yoga posture is achieved by associating the bending of the wrist. The following are 8 basic hasta Mudras along with the reasons why you should do them.

1. Gyan Mudra

Also known as ‘Gesture of Knowledge’ this is a posture to “attain enlightenment”. The form can be achieved by making the index finger touch the thumb.


• Increases air content in the body

• It is very effective in dealing with fatigue, laziness, and mental complications.

• Promotes passion, courage, and creative thinking.

• The subconscious mind enhances thought ability and memory.

2. Vayu Mudra

Also known as ‘Air Gesture’, this pose helps “to find peace”. This mudra can be achieved by touching the base of your thumb with the tip of your index finger and the thumb rests over the index finger.


• Reduces anxiety in the body

• Reduces air elements in the body

• Reduces hyperactivity of hormones and nervous system

• Good for anger, hyperactive, and low concentration

3. Aakash Mudra

Also known as ‘Gesture View’, the purpose of this pose if ‘for lightness’. You can achieve this pose by touching the tip of your middle finger with your thumb.


• Relieves bad thoughts coming to mind.

• Detoxes impurities present in the body.

• Regulates feelings of fear, sorrow, and anger.

• Particularly beneficial for people with constipation and digestive problems.

• Also beneficial in ear and chest problems.

4. Shunya Mudra

Also known as ‘Gesture of Emptiness’, this pose helps to get relief from pain. This pose can be achieved by placing the tip of your middle finger on the thumb’s base and rest the thumb above the middle finger.


• Reduces mild pain in many parts of the body, such as the head and chest.

• Minimizes the space element in the body.

• Reduces travel fatigue.

5. Prithvi Mudra

Also known as ‘Gesture of Earth’, the purpose of this hasta mudra is to “increase strength”. You can practice the pose by touching your ring finger with the thumb.


• Relieves fatigue

• Increases growth of new tissue.

• Speeds up the process of making and healing muscles.

• Strengthens weak bones, hair, and nails.

• Communicates strength, consciousness, and strength in the body.

• Helps with metabolic or digestive processes

• Regulates body temperature.

• Eliminates the problem of dry skin.

6. Surya Mudra

Also known as ‘Gesture of Sun’, the purpose of this mudra is ‘weight loss’ and the pose can be achieved by folding your ring finger in a way that it touches the base of your thumb and keeping the thumb over it.


• Relieves cold, shivering.

• Best for people with low thyroid problems.

• Raises body temperature.

• Weight loss relieves the problem of indigestion, constipation, or loss of appetite.

• Beneficial for people with sweat problems and weak eyesight.

7. Varun Mudra

Also known as ‘Gesture of Rain’, the main purpose of this mudra yoga is “to moisture.” In order to do this pose, you will need to fold in your junior finger and touch its tip with the tip of the thumb.


• Helps to promote the water element in the body.

• Helps in joint pain, arthritis, body odor, and taste loss.

• Relieves when there is a deficiency of hormones

• Relieves the problems of dehydration.

• Dry skin, hair, eyes, eczema, removes all problems of the digestive system.

8. Garuda Mudra

Also known as ‘Eagle Seal’, the purpose of this Mudra is “for balance.” This yogic hand gesture is performed by using both hands.


• Helps to balance wind elements of the body.

• Improves blood circulation.

• Benefits in stomach related complaints.

• Calms down the mind by reducing stress


Hasta Mudras are known to help individuals channel their innate energy through their bodies and stimulate certain experiences. While there are different variations of it available in yoga, the 8 hasta mudras mentioned in this article are important and everyone must know them.

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Sources: Yoga Practice, SKS3 Fitness, 7 Chakras Yoga School

Disclaimer: This blog provides general information and discussions about health and related subjects. The information and other content provided in this blog, website or in any linked materials are not intended and should not be considered, or used as a substitute for, medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Kindly contact your Doctor before starting a new medicine or health regime.

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Published on October 03, 2022