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The Best Ways to Keep Your Lungs Healthy

Nowadays, most people want to get healthier and to achieve this they focus on their physical fitness and following a healthy diet. But rarely, do they think about protecting and maintaining the health of their lungs. It’s time to change that as chronic lower respiratory diseases are known to be one of the leading causes of death.

Read on to know ways that can help to better the health of your lungs, and keep them working optimally even into your senior years.

Tips for healthy lungs

Just like your heart, joints, and other parts of your body, your lungs too age with time. They can become less flexible and lose their strength, which can make it more difficult to breathe. But by adopting certain healthy habits, you can ensure to have healthy lungs. Listed below are some of the best tips you can follow.

1. Quit smoking

Smoking increases your risk of lung cancer and also causes lungs to age more rapidly. Smoking is linked to most lung diseases, including COPD, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, and asthma and it also makes these diseases more severe. For instance, smokers are more likely to die from COPD than non-smokers.

2. Avoid exposure and inhaling of pollutants

Exposure to pollutants in the air can damage your lungs and accelerate ageing. When young, lungs can resist these toxins, however, as you get older they become more vulnerable to them. You can reduce exposure by:

- Avoiding second hand smoke

- Avoid exercising near heavy traffic

- Take all safety precautions if exposed to pollutants at work

3. Practice breathing exercises to breathe harder

Breathing exercises go a long way in ensuring proper lung health. Just as exercise keeps your body in shape, it keeps your lungs in shape too. Creating strong, healthy lungs through exercise helps you to better resist aging and disease. According to recent studies, during exercise, your breathing increases from about 15 times a minute to about 40 to 60 times a minute.

4. Prevent infections

Infections can be particularly dangerous for your lungs, especially as you age and those who already have lung diseases are particularly at risk for infections. Even healthy seniors can easily develop pneumonia if they’re not careful. The best way to avoid lung infections is by

- Keeping your hands clean

- Avoid touching your face as much as possible

- Drink plenty of water and eat lots of fruits and vegetables as that will help boost your immune system

- Stay up-to-date with your vaccinations. Get a flu shot each year, and if you’re 65 or older, get a pneumonia vaccination as well.

5. Breathe Deeply

Deep breathing helps clear the lungs and creates a full oxygen exchange.


By focusing a little of your energy to follow the above-mentioned tips, you can help keep your lungs working optimally for life.

Sources: Healthline, American Lung Association, Advent Health

Disclaimer: This blog provides general information and discussions about health and related subjects. The information and other content provided in this blog, website or in any linked materials are not intended and should not be considered, or used as a substitute for, medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Kindly contact your Doctor before starting a new medicine or health regime.

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Published on November 02, 2022