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World Suicide Prevention Day 2022 - Creating Hope Through Action

World Suicide Prevention Day is observed on September 10th every year to support the worldwide commitment to suicide prevention. The theme for this year’s World Suicide Prevention Day is ‘Creating Hope Through Action’. It is a time when we can spread a message of hope to others. Read on to learn about things one can do for those who may need support.

Create Hope Through Action

The theme “Create Hope Through Action” is a reminder that there is an alternative to suicide and it aims to inspire confidence and light in all of us. Below listed are actions one can do to create hope in the society:

1. Increase awareness about the warning signs and risk factors of suicide

2. Take training programmes that can help prepare to be confident in having a conversation with a person with suicidal thoughts

3. Become involved in activities the promote positive mental health and wellbeing

4. Get to know about mental health supports and services available, both locally and nationally, and spread awareness about them

5. Stay calm and not get afraid if someone tells that they are having suicidal thoughts

6. Reach out to the person who might be going through difficulties that can trigger such thoughts

7. Find a comfortable space and time to sit down with such people

8. Always tell them you care about them

9. If they share things, then one must listen, stay calm, be patient, and kind

10. Involve in activities that can help with suicide prevention in the community

11. Always be mindful and sensitive of what people might be going through when talking they are talking about suicide

12. Spread awareness amongst loved ones, friends, and colleagues about the list of supports and services available for a person with suicidal thoughts

13. In cases of immediate concerns, reach out to the local GP

What to Do If You are Feeling Low?

If you are feeling particularly low, sad, or hopeless then:

• Reach out to experts for help

• Share things and express your feelings to loved ones or close friends as sharing always helps.

While initially it might feel frightening to reach out to someone for talking, but once you take that first step and start to share, then things can become clearer and you will start to feel more hopeful.


The 10th of September each year focuses attention on suicide prevention, reducing stigma, and raising awareness among organizations, government, and the public, giving a message that suicide can be prevented.By creating hope through action, we can signal to people experiencing suicidal thoughts that there is hope and that we care and want to support them. It also suggests that our actions, no matter how big or small, may provide hope to those who are struggling.

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Published on September 09, 2022