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Most Effective Yoga Poses for Sinus Infection

Sinus infections are common during the monsoon season and wintry months. The primary symptoms of a sinus infection include pain in the cheeks, forehead, head, nose, nasal congestion, exhaustion, fever, and sore throat. Although this problem can be managed through appropriate medication, resorting to yogasana and pranayama can help you recover fast and naturally. Apart from yoga asanas, lifestyle changes can also speed up healing. Here, we will learn about some of the best sinusitis yoga asanas. and breathing techniques to relieve sinusitis.

Poses and Stretches for Sinus Relief

• Bhujangasana

To do this asana, lie flat on your belly and rest your palms flat on the ground just under your shoulders. Keep your feet together and your toes pointing towards the ground. Gently raise your head, shoulders, and torso to a 30° angle. Maintain this position for about 10 seconds, ensuring your navel touches the floor and your shoulders remain broad. Throughout the process, breathe deeply and hold your breath. Slowly exhale as you lower yourself back down after 10 seconds. This yoga posture resembles the shape and form of a king cobra, which is why it is also called the cobra pose.

Benefit: One of the best sinusitis yoga asanas, this posture activates the sun and moon channels and relieves chronic sinus infection.

• Setu Bandha Asana

Lie flat on your back and keep your knees bent. Your feet should touch the yoga mat while your hips should be kept apart. Your arms should rest alongside your body, and your palms should face downward. As you gently inhale, press downward with your feet and lift your hips from the ground, creating an arch shape with your body. This yoga pose resembles the structure of a bridge, which is why it is also called the bridge pose.

Benefit: Increased blood circulation due to this yoga pose effectively relieves sinus congestion.

• Balasana

This is one of the most effective sinusitis yoga asanas. To practice this yoga asana, first, come down on your four limbs, then sit on your heels and reach out with your arms, placing them ahead of you. As this yoga posture looks like a crawling baby, it is also referred to as a Child’s Pose.

Benefit: Gentle stretching of the back and deep breathing during this yogasana promotes easy sinus drainage.

• Padahastasana

Start by standing with your feet positioned hip-width away. Bend down to reach the ground by hinging at your hips. While practising this yoga posture, the palms of both hands should rest on the heels of your legs.

Benefit: This yoga posture increases blood circulation in the head, reducing sinus pressure.

• Adho Mukha Svanasana

Start by taking a forward-bending posture using your hands and knees. Slowly lift your hips so they point towards the ceiling. While doing so, stretch and straighten your legs slowly.

Benefit: This is one of the best yoga poses for a sinus infection. The inversion of the body during this yogasana facilitates the draining of sinuses with the power of gravity.

Breathing Techniques

Apart from the above sinusitis yoga asanas, there are certain breathing techniques or pranayama which may be practised alongside the yoga poses to maximise the results. Some of the most notable breathing techniques for sinus infection are:

• Nadi Shodhana Pranayama

This is the most effective alternate nostril breathing technique. First, sit in a relaxed position. Then, use the thumb of your right hand to close your right nostril and breathe in through the left. Next, close the left nostril with the ring finger of your right hand and exhale through the right. Repeat the technique, alternating nostrils. By balancing the airflow, this breathing technique helps in effective sinus infection management.

• Kapalbhati Pranayama

This is the skull-shining breathing technique. To practice this, you have to sit with your spine straight and inhale deeply. The very next moment, you have to draw your navel in and exhale the air forcefully through your nostrils. Again, inhale passively while your belly expands, and repeat the same process. The forceful exhalation in the case of this breathing technique is helpful in clearing out the sinus cavities.

• Bhramari Pranayama

This bee-breathing technique is characterised by a bee-like humming sound while inhaling or exhaling. To practice this breathing technique, you have to first sit comfortably and inhale deeply. As you exhale, make sure to narrow your throat to produce the typical humming sound for which this pranayama is well known. This pranayama can cleanse your sinus cavities effectively.

Breathing Techniques

While the above-mentioned sinusitis yoga asanas and breathing techniques may help, adopting certain lifestyle measures can also prove helpful. Here are some lifestyle tips to follow if you are diagnosed with a sinus infection:

• Resting adequately can speed up recovery from the infection and healing.

• Increase your fluid intake to dilute the secreted mucus and facilitate drainage. Fluids may be taken in the form of water, soups, broths, juices, and herbal teas.

• Do not smoke and also avoid secondary smoking to prevent the worsening of the infection.

• Stay in a clean environment free of triggers like pollen, dust, pet dander, and certain types of foods. These triggers may worsen sinus infection symptoms.

• Installation of air purifiers can help by eliminating pollutants and airborne allergens from indoor air. These pollutants can worsen symptoms by irritating your nasal passage.


1. Can a sinus infection be a severe health problem?

Yes, it can be. If not managed timely, the infection may spread to the fluid and membranes surrounding one’s brain and spinal cord, leading to a life-threatening condition called meningitis.

2. How long can sinusitis last?

In the case of acute sinusitis, the infection may last for 7 to 10 days, whereas in the case of chronic sinusitis, the infection may last for more than 12 weeks.

3. What is sinus rinsing?

Sinus rinsing, also called nasal irrigation, is the process of washing your sinus cavities to remove excess mucus, allergens, or other debris. To clear your sinuses, you may use various irrigation devices like rubber nasal bulbs, squeeze bottles, and neti pots.

4. Which beverage can be taken during a sinus infection?

Drinking ginger tea helps a lot. Antihistamines present in the ginger root can soothe the inflamed membranes in your sinus cavities, reduce allergic reactions, and bring relief.

5. How effective is hot water in treating sinuses?

Inhaling the vapour rising from a bowl of hot water may loosen the mucus clogging your sinuses and bring relief. Also, drinking hot water may help soothe your sore throat, one of the common symptoms associated with a sinus infection.


Living with chronic sinusitis can be challenging. But taking the help of yogasanas and pranayama can make a huge difference. Stretching and bending during the various yoga poses for sinus infection can stimulate the production of infection-fighting white blood cells, release endorphins, and increase blood circulation. So, the next time a sinus infection hits you, take the help of yoga, breathing exercises, and lifestyle modifications.

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Disclaimer: This blog provides general information and discussions about health and related subjects. The information and other content provided in this blog, website or in any linked materials are not intended and should not be considered, or used as a substitute for, medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Kindly contact your Doctor before starting a new medicine or health regime.

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Published on October 7, 2024