Posted on: Oct 7, 2024 | 3 mins | Written by: HDFC ERGO Team

Traffic Fines in Mumbai: New Rules and Common Violations

New traffic rules & traffic fines in mumbai

As we pointed out earlier, driving through an urban centre such as Mumbai has its own peculiarities. Being one of the most progressive cities in India and home to a large population, Mumbai has not compromised over strict traffic laws and guidelines. Knowledge of these traffic fines and rules would assist you to organise yourself to be a better and safer driver thereby cutting corners and costs. However, at least knowing the traffic rules of Mumbai and ensuring car security with proper car insurance such as comprehensive car insurance can help.

List of typical Traffic Violation and Fine Collected across the Mumbai region

Traffic police are very active in Mumbai and the penalties for the violation of traffic rules and regulations are punitive in nature. Here’s a list of the most common traffic violations and the corresponding fines:

1. Over-speeding:

Some of the major factors that lead to accidents in Mumbai include; ever increasing rates of speeding vehicles. Over speeding also has its consequences and a first-time offender will be charged up to ₹2000 while a repeat offender will be charged up to ₹4000.

2. Drunk Driving:

The law heavily frowns on driving under the influence of alcohol or any other substance affecting the consumer’s ability to drive safely. Their first offences can attract a fine of up to ₹10,000 and further violations attract imprisonment.

3. Driving Without a License:

Still, if a person is caught driving without a valid licence, then he has to pay a fine of ₹5,000.

4. Using Mobile While Driving:

This is a standard infringement but it is deadly risky to perform. The penalty for this violation can be from ₹1,000,000 to ₹5,000,000, again, based on the gravity of the crime.

5. Jumping a Red Light:

It is important not to overspend because you may end up paying between ₹1,000 to ₹5,000 based upon the number of times you disobeyed the traffic signals.

6. Not Wearing a Helmet or Seatbelt:

There is a fine of ₹ 1,000 for not putting on the helmet while riding two-wheelers or not fastening the seat belt while travelling in four-wheelers.

For you to meet the fines you must have valid car insurance, especially comprehensive insurance in case you are involved in an accident due to any of the violations.

Types of Traffic Violations in Mumbai

The types of traffic violations in Mumbai are broadly classified into:

1. Moving Violations:

These are the offences that are committed while the vehicle is in motion for instance observing the legal speed limit, and driving recklessly among other things. Common violations typically result in higher fines because they relate to infringement of the law on the road.

2. Non-Moving Violations:

Examples of such offences include; parking of cars in the wrong area, driving when one does not have a driver’s licence, permit, or registration, and not displaying the registration number plates as required by the law. Non-moving violations also have very steep consequences as well.

3. Administrative Violations:

These include those offences relating to paperwork of the car, for instance, the offence of driving without auto insurance or PUC. Comprehensive insurance is a must-have in your car for you to escape paying for what is covered under administrative violation fines.

4. Pedestrian-Related Violations:

Failure to observe zebra crossings or signals also attracts a fine including failure to yield the right of way.

It can help you to avoid all these traffic violations, or at least familiarise you with the ones that are unique to Mumbai so that you are not caught off guard when you are attending traffic and getting these expensive traffic fines in Mumbai.

New Traffic Rules in Mumbai another one

The Mumbai traffic laws have been reviewed recently in order to incorporate the measures and procedures that will Demand More safety on the roads and fewer complications concerning the traffic laws.

1. Enhanced Penalties for Repeat Offenders:

If you are one of the drivers who has been caught for a second time or for DUI, rash driving or speeding, then know that the rates have soared this time. In the worst-case scenario, you could be jailed or barred from driving for the rest of your life.

2. Strict Enforcement of Seatbelt Rules:

According to the current laws, even those who are seated at the back of cars have to adjust their seat belts. If the guidelines are not followed then a penalty of ₹1,000 is given.

3. Helmet Rule for Pillion Riders:

Apart from the driver, every other person on the two-wheeler must wear a helmet including the pillion rider. Defaulters will be penalised with ₹1,000/- each.

Being aware of these new rules will help you avoid unnecessary traffic fines in Mumbai.

How to Avoid Traffic Fines in Mumbai?

Avoiding traffic fines in Mumbai is straightforward if you follow a few simple steps:

1. Stay Informed:

It is always wise that you should update yourself will the latest traffic laws anywhere including Mumbai. These rules are changeable and one is not exempted from obeying them even if he/she is not aware of such laws.

2. Follow Speed Limits:

Abide to the set speed limits around the various roads. In these circumstances always back up or drive slowly just in case that is why it is recommended to drive slowly if you are not so sure.

3. Don’t Drink and Drive:

This is one of the most serious violations one can commit in the course of carrying out construction projects. If you will be drinking alcohol or if you are unable to arrange your own conveyance, then it is better to take taxis or use public transport or hire drivers to save a pile of fines and your lives too.

4. Wear Seatbelts and Helmets:

Make sure that all persons in the car are buckled up; if you are a rider of a two-wheeler wear a helmet.

5. Keep Your Documents Handy:

Make sure that all your documents on the vehicle are updated including your car insurance policy. Owni…armacross- Having good insurance will guarantee you in an instance that you are in a mishap or in the event of car damage.

Avoid Using Mobile Phones While Driving:

If one has to make or receive a telephone call while behind the wheel then one has to do so using a hands-free device. Much better still, if the situation warrants, then you should consider stopping the car.

Therefore by adopting the mentioned measures above, you will be able to avoid the traffic fines in Mumbai and have a free-flowing experience on the roads.


Traffic laws that apply in Mumbai are strict or are meant to make movement on the road safe as well as to regulate the flow of traffic. Moreover, to gain enhanced protection for your car it is wise to acquire a comprehensive insurance policy which covers virtually every kind of accident or loss of the vehicle. To ensure that travelling through Mumbai traffic is an easy affair, ensure that you follow the traffic laws strictly, remain informed on the traffic situation and drive safely.


1. What are the consequences of being caught Driving without car insurance in Mumbai?

You will be fined ₹ 2000 for the first time and ₹ 4000 if there is a subsequent violation of the Regulation. This means that it is always advisable to have good certified current insurance; preferably all-inclusive insurance to deter such penalties in cases of accidents.

2. Is there any change in the usage of seat belts in Mumbai?

Yes, basically, all the passengers in the car, including those in the back seat, are required by law to wear seat belts. Failure to adhere to the above-stated norms will attract a fine of one thousand Rupees.

3. This article of the code deals with drunk driving in Mumbai, but how severe is the penalty for the offence?

For violation of the section on drunk driving, the fine can be up to ₹10,000 for a first-time offender and imprisonment in case of a second or subsequent offence.

Disclaimer: The above information is for illustrative purposes only. For more details, please refer to the policy wordings and prospectus before concluding the sales.


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