Posted on: Jun 23, 2022 | 3 mins | Written by: HDFC ERGO Team

How to Secure Your Social Media Accounts: Facebook, TikTok, and More

Tips to Protect Social Media Accounts

In this digital age, there are more than 4.48 billion social media accounts worldwide. Well, a social media account is very important for some people, while for others, it's just a platform to connect with their friends & family. Whether it is used to have a collection of lifetime memories or to promote a brand, social media accounts play a very massive role in our lives.

However, this is the reason many cyber criminals and hackers want to access the social media accounts of people. Having cyber insurance can come up as the safeguard for your money that can be asked for by hackers as a ransom when your data is compromised due to unsecured social media accounts As per the study of Security Innovation, cyber hackers hack the social media account to misuse the personal details that can lead to financial loss, identity theft and even the loss of business data. They can use the information to answer the security questions asked by banking sites or social media sites, track your location through the messages you post, or use your personal data to blackmail you for a huge amount of money in the form of ransom.

Getting hacked or becoming a victim of a data breach is quite a traumatizing experience regardless of the social media accounts you have on any platform. To reduce such stress, here are some tips to help you secure your social media accounts which include, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and so on.

How to Secure Your Facebook Account?

Facebook is still the number one choice of many people despite the rising craze of other platforms such as TikTok. You may not know, but Facebook is also a popular source for cyber hackers to trap people and ask for money from them.

To keep your Facebook account secure, Facebook advises users not to share their passwords with anyone and not to use the same passwords again for different accounts. Using unique and strong passwords is always a good idea to keep your data secured.

Along with this, Facebook advised not to accept the friend's respect from the suspicious accounts and the people you don't know as they can be hackers. Avoid clicking the suspicious links from anywhere in your accounts. These small actions can save you and your data from getting hacked.

And, lastly, it is recommended to log out from your account after using it. Even if you forget to log out, you can do it remotely.

How to Secure Your Twitter account?

The popularity of Twitter is still the same in 2022 with approximately 436 million users. But, just like Facebook, it is still the target of cyber hackers.

Apart from using the string and unique password for your Twitter account, it is good to enable two-factor authentication to safeguard your account with a double layer. It acts as a barrier to potential Twitter account hackers.

Moreover, when you confirm that you are using your Twitter account can help you avoid being a victim of any phishing scam and stop hackers from using your personal data and credentials. To have more protection for your Twitter account, you should check if your web browser address displays a base domain If this address is missing, you are probably using a fake Twitter account that can put you at risk.

And the last one is, to be alert when you get any suspicious notification. These notifications come when your account is accessed by any person from a new device. If you don't understand the login alert and suspicious notifications, it's good to change the password immediately to protect your information and data.

How to secure your Instagram account?

Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms like Whatsapp, Youtube, and Facebook. However, it is also a target of many would-be hackers and scammers.

Instagram also recommends users enable the necessary security features on their accounts which include, sharing the stories, and reels and ensuring two-factors authentication. This is important to secure your account with two-layer security. This gives you a strong barrier between your data and cybercriminals.

Well, Instagram allows you to deal with login requests in a handy way. You can allow as well as deny access with the device that you don't know.

Apart from this, Instagram asks for regular updates of emails and phone numbers to make sure that the account is associated with you only.

And, the last is that Instagram does not send messages to any person directly. It is recommended to report or block the accounts that send a message directly that your photos are shared somewhere, your profiles can be banned or your posts are abusive or violate the policies of Instagram.

How to secure your TikTok account?

TikTok has gained a massive wave in the social media world since its launch in the year 2017. However, its popularity also attracted the hackers and with the five vulnerabilities which include, remote key loggers, cross-site scripting etc.

To avoid any hacks with your TikTok account, it is advised to use strong passwords with at least 6 characters, which are made up of a combination of uppercase letters, symbols and numbers.

TikTok has also advised users to keep the track of their accounts with security features and two-factor authentication. In any case, if you notice your account is accessed by someone else that looks suspicious, you can remove your TikTok account login credentials from the device management tab. Apart from this, TikTok recommends not to click or open the suspicious messages, links, or files that claim that you have won any exciting prize or there is any questionable content or links.


Of course, there is a chance your data and privacy can compromise at any time. Even when you follow the best cybersecurity practices, hackers and cyber intruders can use certain techniques that can put your data at risk and you may lose your business data or can become a victim of identity theft. It is a good and safe way to secure your social media account with two-layer protection and make sure you use the important security features. Having a comprehensive and effective security solution will help you enjoy your digital world without any hassle.

When it comes to the best security practice, it is always beneficial to opt for cyber insurance to save your hard-earned money even after managing your password and other personal credentials from the most powerful online threats. There are many reputed firms available that offer A-rated cyber insurance plans, availing of them will be quite beneficial for you to receive the loss in the event of cyber hacks.

Disclaimer: The above information is for illustrative purpose only. For more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before concluding the sales.


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