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11 Safety Tips to Protect Yourself While Shopping Online

Published on October 31, 2022. EST READ TIME: 3 minutes

How to Stay Safe While Shopping Online

Internet has undoubtedly changed the way the world works. Today everything is done online and this increased more during the pandemic. Shopping is no exception and online shopping has become the preferred option for many. Online shopping without a doubt is more convenient. It allows you to check different stores sitting in the comfort of your house and compare prices and have the item delivered to your doorstep without you moving anywhere.

There are many advantages of shopping online but like every coin has two sides, so does online shopping. While it is more convenient, the chances of a scam are high. Cyber insurance in India is growing at a fast pace because of the mere fact, that these scams are taking place every day.

The main concern when shopping online today is security. Cyber security insurance has become one of the most important insurance products as it is tough to ascertain the level of a scam most of the time. Though risky, with some simple tips to protect yourself, you can stay safe when shopping online.

Let us talk about some important tips that must be kept in mind

1. Use a Secure Connection

A cyber insurance policy can protect you when a scam has happened but the first choice should always be to stay safe. One of the easiest ways to do this is to use a secure connection and keep the firewall on. This provides protection from malicious software. The wireless network should be encrypted and as far as possible a public network should not be used to make any financial transactions.

2. Avoid Using Debit Cards

It is always advisable to use a credit card when shopping online. If you see the claims under cyber insurance in India, you will realize that many scams happen when hackers get access to account details. When you use a debit card, there is direct access to the account details. On the other hand, when a credit card is used there is more protection and in case of theft, there is less liability. Credit card companies help in the investigation and also reverse charges if they find fraud whereas the banks usually do not do it that easily.

3. Shop from Secured Sites

A secure and legitimate site should be the only choice when it comes to shopping online. The site address should have https and not an http as that means your data is not secure. When using a secured website, the chances of fraud are less and thus, it's safer to shop.

4. Do Not Fall for Offers

When shopping online, you always tend to compare prices and sometimes you find offers which are too good. This is not a happy thing but a warning sign. There is a high chance that something is wrong when an offer is too good to be true and is not available anywhere else. It is always good to check the reputation of the merchant and also be sure of the authenticity of the products.

When the price is too low following are some of the issues you might face:

● Fake or faulty product

● Inability to return damaged product

● Information sharing is unsafe on the website

● The product might not be delivered

It is always good to do a background check if you are shopping from a new store. Else, it is always better and recommended to shop from a reputable store. Having a cyber insurance policy will help in case of a scam but always better to be safe.

5. Use Updated Software

Constant efforts are being made to increase the security of phones and laptops. The security improves every time there is a software update. While it is important to have a good policy for cyber insurance in India, you also need to make sure that the systems you use are secure. For this, you must always ensure that the software is updated and is capable of fighting new attacks. The updates can take time and then the system needs to restart, but this time is not time wasted but is worth it as the benefits are many and help you stay protected.

6. Do Not Click on Links

There are links that pop up on social media sites in ads and are offering very good deals. The offers are most of the time irresistible and can also offer bonuses and freebies. The links on such deals can be unsafe and once you click, they can hack your system and have access to your financial details. If you think an offer is too good, then you should first research and find its authenticity and then only go ahead. Until you are very sure, never click on any link.

7. Only Give Necessary Information

When ordering from a website, only give the information that is mandatory to place the order. Optional information does not need to be shared. Extra information gives more accessibility. Always read the privacy policy before giving information to any site.

8. Have Strong Passwords

Unique and secure passwords are the easiest and safest way to stay protected. Avoid using the same passwords for multiple websites and if you do keep changing them. Use password managers to come up with long and unique passwords which will keep you safe from hackers. A cyber security insurance policy will help you in case of fraud, but having secured passwords can avoid most of them.

9. Download Shopping Apps Carefully

Apps are very convenient to use but then they are easier to be misused to take the information. Apps should be downloaded from Google Play Store or Apple Store as these are safe. The apps will always ask for certain permissions which must be carefully granted. Never give the apps access to contacts etc. and do check reviews and ratings before downloading any app.

10. Secure Your Devices

Always have a password to lock your phone or any device. The screen should be locked at all times when the device is not being used. If you have accessed a banking site or also a shopping app, always ensure you log out of the same before you do anything else. Avoid saving passwords and payment information on a laptop.

11. Do Not Fall for Email Scams

Hackers and scammers often tend to send malware and virus through email in the form of gift vouchers. If you have got an email from someone you do not know, and there is no voucher you are expecting, never open the email and never click on any link to it. Also often you can get messages about problems in bank accounts or updating some documents for bank records. You should always check these messages and never click on links. No bank messages from a personal number ever so are careful.


Shopping is fun and online shopping is also convenient. Scams should not scare you from indulging in shopping and buying your favourite things. But prevention is always better than cure and thus, taking care of some simple things can avoid a scam later. All you need to be is careful not to fall prey to wrong emails and messages and offers which are too good to be true. You should have a policy for cyber insurance in India to protect yourself in case of a scam but still, the first step should be to be careful. So be vigilant and enjoy shopping.

Disclaimer: The above information is for illustrative purpose only. For more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before concluding the sales.


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