Posted on: Mar 27, 2023 | 3 mins | Written by: HDFC ERGO Team

Is it safe to use online survey sites?

How are safe online survey websites? – Cyber Insurance

Isn’t it surprising, at times, the number of things that one can do over the internet? Right from meeting new people to building things to ordering things of your choice, the list is almost endless. And it is in this vastness that a lot of us want to explore a few things, such as building a side hustle or earning some cash. Despite your motives and intention, it is always a good idea to have a cyber security policy, given the amount of personal data that is out there.

For people who want to make some cash on the side, using online surveys can seem to be a harmless and legitimate way of doing so. On these websites or apps, all that you need to do is provide answers to some questions and, in the end, receive cash or credits. It can all seem quite straightforward. However, that might not be the case. If you are wondering, is it safe to use online survey sites, here is all that you need to know.

Though there are still a few websites that offer genuine surveys, a lot of the other ones are created by scammers and hackers. The intention of these websites is to collect as much personal information about you as possible. Here are a few things to look for while selecting a website for surveys.

Pointers to look for on online paid survey websites

The way of working for survey websites remains similar across the board. There are usually two ways in which these websites work. One is where anyone can take a survey at any time. The other is where you need to provide some information about yourself, allowing only relevant surveys to make way to you. And in most cases, once you complete the survey, you will receive a small amount of cash. Here is how you can spot a non-genuine site.

1. Request you to pay a fee

A few of the illegitimate survey websites might ask you for a fee. In return for this fee, you will receive a certain number of surveys every week. This is where you should take a step back since almost all genuine websites do not require you to pay any fee. The paid surveys are free.

2. Promises of a large payout via surveys

You cannot become rich by merely taking surveys. If you have a considerable amount of spare time, you can make some side cash using the survey websites. However, not enough to make you rich. Should you come across a website that promises amazing money for taking surveys or promises to make you rich, it might be a red flag. These adverts are just to get your attention to the website.

3. Murky details about payment

While browsing a website, if you feel there isn’t enough disclosure or information about payment, it might be a good idea to skip the website, regardless of how promising it might appear. The payment structure should be concise and clear.

4. Request you for confidential information.

It is a general practice for some of the survey websites to ask for basic information from you. However, these are usually quite generic such as gender, age group, geographical location, etc. This information helps the website to provide more accurate surveys. On the other hand, if a website asks you for details about your credit cards, bank accounts, driving licence, Aadhar card, etc., it would be wise to stay away from these websites.

With the amount of online activity increasing every single day, it might be a wise decision to opt for a cyber security policy. It can protect you and your loved ones from a myriad of cyber threats.

Precautions to take while using paid online surveys

There are a lot of dangers of online survey. The loss of confidential information is one of the most critical ones. However, there are some precautions that you can take while using paid surveys. Here are some of them.

1. Avoid giving a lot of personal information.

It is pertinent that you pay attention to the information that you share on these websites. Make sure that you only provide basic information which can aid in the survey and not a lot of personal information. If you get a feeling that the information required doesn’t feel legitimate, stay away from the website.

2. Check online reviews

You can look for reviews of the website on google and a few other trusted websites. Though reviews might also be skewed, viewing the reviews from different sources will give you a better idea about the website and what it offers.

3. Do not fall for becoming rich quickly.

It is one of the oldest tricks in the book as far as scammers are concerned. By portraying that you can become rich via the surveys, the website lures people in and cash in on the excitement. It is crucial to understand that getting rich just via surveys might not be feasible. However, it can help you build some reserve cash for smaller things.

4. Look for the privacy policy.

Though it may sound boring, it is always a good idea to read the privacy policy of a website. Going through the policy will provide you with information about what is being done with your data. If you feel there is a lot of ambiguity surrounding it, do not proceed with the website.

Why you should consider getting a cyber security policy

The dangers of online surveys can be much deeper than what meets the eye. There is a lot of crucial information to lose if the website is created by scammers or hackers. A cyber security policy can protect you in some of these cases. Here are the different coverages that you get access to when you opt for a cyber policy.

1. Identity theft

2. Protection against malware attacks

3. Online extortion

4. A data breach or privacy breach by third parties

5. Phishing

6. Claims for media liability

7. Threats associated with social media

8. Protection against deceiving emails

Apart from protection against the above, insurance providers also offer a host of other services. Depending on your insurance provider, these can include counselling services for the torrid times that can follow post a cyberattack. Some insurers also offer IT consulting services which can help in figuring out the source of the attack.

And the best part about these policies is that they are more affordable than you might think. By paying a small premium, you can protect yourself and your loved ones against cyberattacks and their various perils.


Online paid surveys have always been popular for making some extra side cash. However, not all the websites out there are genuine. A lot of them are created by scammers and hackers, thus one must tread with a lot of caution. If a website promises huge payouts, it might be a good idea to stay away. You can use the above information to stay safe. However, buying a cyber security policy will offer you even better protection.

Disclaimer: The above information is for illustrative purpose only. For more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before concluding the sales.



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