Posted on: Jun 14, 2022 | 3 mins | Written by: HDFC ERGO Team

4 Tips to Help Your Dad Adopt Healthy Lifestyle this Father's Day

Father’s Day Tips

Your father didn’t have it easy, from the moment you were born. His heart was full of love, but he had many duties looming over his head. He always had to do his best to fulfil your needs. Even today, your dad loves you unconditionally, but also tries to discipline you, no matter how old you are. He constantly guides you to do better in personal and professional life. But he has probably forgotten to take care of himself while focusing on you for all these years. Which means, now that you are a grownup yourself, it is your responsibility to make sure that your father is taking good care of himself, no matter what. Apart from having the best health insurance, he needs to adopt a healthier lifestyle to keep ailments away..

Here are 4 ways you can encourage him this Father’s Day

1. Encourage him to stay active:

Well, most fathers like to go for regular walks. If your father is not one of them, make sure you add this item to his daily schedule. Tell him about the benefits of morning walks, yoga, and workout sessions. He can even try to get in shape, something he didn’t have enough time for while raising you. Just because he is a dad doesn’t mean that he needs to have a dad bod. Gift him a good pair of workout shoes, clothes and home fitness equipment. That will push him to get going because if there’s one thing fathers hate is wastage of money.

2. Motivate him to tweak his diet:

How many teas in a day is too much tea? Well, that question will surely offend your newspaper-reading, chai-sipping father. But that needs to change. Also, those oily pakoras aren’t good for his health. Ask him to switch to a more balanced diet and develop a liking for delicacies that are loaded with proteins and vitamins. Replace parathas with oatmeal, tea with green tea, and samosas with fruits. There are many vitamin supplements available in the market too. Discuss with your family doctor and get them included in his diet.

3. Help him quit smoking and drinking:

It’s fun to share a drink with your father and see him let go of his inhibitions and have a candid conversation with you. However, there’s a downside. At his age, an extra peg or additional cigarette can land him in the hospital. With age, our immunity decreases, and the body is not able to fight many diseases. As we know, smoking and drinking can affect the lungs, kidneys, and other organs drastically. While quitting a lifelong addiction may not be easy, it must be done. Also make sure that his health insurance has enough coverage, just in case there is an emergency.

4. Encourage him to meditate and rejuvenate:

Along with physical health, mental and emotional health is equally important. For that, meditation is a good idea as it creates more mindfulness. Your father will imbibe positive vibes and his outlook towards everything will change for the better with more serenity finding its way into his life. Similarly, staying stuck inside the house round the year can be extremely boring. Plan family excursions to scenic mountains and beaches and let him let his hair down and enjoy life to the fullest. Ask him about his bucket list and help him tick those items off the list. Push him to pursue his hobbies. All this will help him reduce stress and sleep better.


Fathers always push children to achieve their dreams and be limitless. They set examples with their own hard work. So, this Father’s Day, change roles and become his mentor. If your father takes better care of himself, he will be able to enjoy a healthier and happier life. And that’s all you want for him. And last but not the least, protect him financially with a health insurance plan with comprehensive coverage. It will allow him to get the best treatment available and go for annual check-ups to diagnose any disease early on and get the necessary treatment.

Disclaimer: The above information is for illustrative purpose only. For more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before concluding the sales.


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