Is Preventive Healthcare included in Family Health Insurance?
Is Preventive Healthcare included in Family Health Insurance?

Preventive healthcare is an important benefit that insurance companies offer to policyholders. Under this benefit, policyholders can opt for complimentary health check-ups every year or as stated in their policy documents. Considering that health issues are increasing among people of all ages, opting for preventive healthcare can help diagnose conditions in their early stages. This can prevent associated health complications and long-term and expensive treatments.
If you are planning to buy a family floater and are wondering if this benefit will be included in your healthcare plan, we will tell you in this article. Let’s talk about preventive care in family health insurance.
Inclusion of preventive healthcare in family health insurance
Family health insurance or family floater is a popular healthcare plan that covers the members of a household under one plan. It covers the policyholder and his/her spouse, dependent children, and parents.
If you are covered under a family floater and are not sure if you and your loved ones can avail of complimentary preventive healthcare, you can check the same in your policy documents. If the benefit is included in your health plan, you and the covered family members can opt for preventive healthcare annually or as stated in the policy terms and conditions.
The following are some reasons why insurance companies include preventive healthcare in the health plans they offer:
• Free preventive healthcare encourages policyholders to opt for routine health check-ups.
• It can help diagnose health conditions in their early stages for timely treatment.
• Treating a health condition in its early stages increases the chances of recovery.
• It reduces treatment span and medical expenses.
• Preventive healthcare can also detect potential health issues.
• It can improve quality of life as well as longevity.
• It gives a clear picture of the policyholder’s health and pre existing conditions to the insurance provider. This can prevent claim rejection later.
Some common preventive care tests are:
• CBC or complete blood count
• Diabetes test
• High blood pressure
• Lipid profile
• Anaemia
• Obesity
• Tuberculosis
• Hepatitis B and C
• Eye test
• Dental examination
• Hearing test
• Heart disease screening
• Cancer screening
• Bone mineral density test
• Pelvic exam and Pap smear for women
How to avail of preventive healthcare benefits?
If your family health insurance policy includes complimentary preventive healthcare, you can avail of this benefit at any network hospital of the insurance provider.
Here’s what you must do:
• Contact your insurer and inform them that you would like to opt for complimentary preventive healthcare.
• After checking your eligibility, they will ask you to choose suitable packages for yourself and your loved ones and book the same at a network hospital.
• Once the booking is made, a network hospital or diagnostic centre will get in touch with you and fix an appointment.
• Go to the hospital or diagnostic centre on the appointment date and get the tests done. Remember to carry your health plan and cashless cards for verification.
To sum up, many insurance companies include preventive healthcare in family health insurance. If the benefit is included in your healthcare policy, you can get in touch with your insurer and avail it. If the benefit is not included in your plan, you can still opt for preventive health check-ups and claim a tax rebate of up to INR 5,000 every year on the bills. Diagnosing health conditions in their early stages can expedite recovery and prevent associated health complications.
Disclaimer: The above information is for illustrative purposes only. For more details, please refer to the policy wordings and prospectus before concluding the sales.
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