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Ayurveda and Its Many Benefits

Published on December 07, 2022. EST READ TIME: 4 minutes

Ayurveda and Its Many Benefits

In today’s time when maintaining good health and well-being has become increasingly important for people of all ages, many are switching to ancient Ayurvedic practices such as yoga, meditation, herbal medicines and special diets. The use of Ayurvedic medicines and practices increased leaps and bounds during the COVID-19 pandemic. Apart from practicing yoga and meditation regularly, many people took ayurvedic formulations to strengthen their immunity and stay safe from the deadly virus. The best health insurance in India covers all in-patient Ayurvedic treatments under AYUSH. So, whether you have individual health insurance, family floater or any other health insurance plan, your Ayurvedic treatment expenses will be covered by the insurance provider.

What is Ayurveda?

Ayurveda is a system of alternative medicine. According to Ayurveda, most diseases in the human body are caused due to stress or imbalance in a person’s consciousness. This ancient medical system was developed over 3000 years ago and it runs on the belief that mother nature provides us with everything that we need to treat different health issues.

Ayurveda believes that our mind, body, soul and spirit are four important pillars that balance our life and ensure good health and overall wellness. Hence, Ayurvedic treatments are mainly focused on maintaining harmony among these four pillars of life. This form of alternative medicine also stresses the fact that being healthy is a natural state and health issues happen when we are not at equilibrium with the environment. In such times, the right exercises and diet can help regain your health and energy.

Benefits of Ayurveda

Ayurveda offers a plethora of benefits to the human body. It can promote your general well-being and improve your overall quality of life. The following are some important benefits of Ayurveda:

1. It helps keep stress at bay:

Different Ayurvedic practices, such as yoga, meditation and deep breathing, are among the best for rejuvenating the mind and body and relieving stress and anxiety. Yoga helps boost energy levels and concentration, while meditation and breathing exercises calm the mind and create a sense of awareness. Ayurveda also focuses on massages and herbal treatments for body detoxification and rejuvenation. In-patient Ayurvedic treatments are covered under health insurance plans, so you can use your family floater or individual health insurance policy to cover the bills.


2. It helps combat inflammation:

Inflammation is one of the main causes of neurological conditions, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, cancer, arthritis and more. Some prime causes of inflammation are unhealthy diet, poor digestion, obesity, irregular sleep patterns and inadequate sleep. The Ayurvedic diet involves eating and avoiding certain foods based on your body type or dosha. This can help strengthen your digestive system and maintain a healthy weight. Consuming foods that are good for your body type can help reduce toxic overload and promote your overall well-being.


3. It helps maintain a healthy weight:

Ayurvedic treatments and practices can help you shed those extra pounds and achieve a healthy weight. Ayurveda believes in following a healthy diet with certain restrictions to balance the doshas. An Ayurvedic or Sattvik diet can promote digestive system function and remove unwanted body fat. An Ayurvedic practitioner can suggest the right diet for you, based on your dosha type.


4. It promotes skin and hair health:

Ayurveda claims that consuming fresh food according to your dosha type and medical history can help promote the health of your skin and hair. Antioxidant-rich foods, such as green vegetables, fresh fruits, herbs, teas, protein and healthy fats can help achieve the desired results sooner. Apart from charting out a diet plan, an Ayurvedic practitioner will also suggest certain toning exercises and supplements that will be good for your skin, hair and body.


5. It detoxifies the body:

An Ayurvedic practice called Panchakarma helps remove toxins from the body with the help of oil massages, enema, purgation, blood-letting therapy and certain oral medicines. In blood-letting therapy, blood is withdrawn from the veins of a person for therapeutic reasons. On the other hand, purgation is the evacuation of the bowels with the help of laxatives. The Panchakarma practice helps remove unwanted food and toxins from the body to help it function efficiently. Once the body is clean and free of toxins, your overall health improves. Ayurveda widely uses simple home remedies like cardamom, cumin, fennel and ginger to ease indigestion and bloating.


6. It promotes heart health:

Ayurveda focuses on simple Sattvik foods that are fresh, nutritious, tasty and vegetarian. It also emphasises eating well-cooked seasonal foods over raw ones. A Sattvik diet is packed with important nutrients and free of harmful fats that can affect heart health. Hence, combining Ayurvedic relaxation practices with the right diet can help reduce plaque build-up in the arteries and alleviate the risk of strokes and heart attacks.


7. It helps boost immunity:

Ayurvedic medicines contain important vitamins, minerals, herbs and protein that help strengthen the immune system and ward off infections and other conditions. In Ayurveda, certain medicines and herbs are mixed together in appropriate amounts and administered at the right time to help the immune system function properly and prevent immunity-related disorders.



When adopted the right way, Ayurveda can promote well-being and transform your life for the better. Ayurvedic formulations and practices are said to improve brain function, immunity, sleep quality, digestion, skin health, energy levels and overall health. Considering the growing popularity of Ayurveda, most health insurance plans in India are covering Ayurvedic treatments under AYUSH. If you are looking to buy the best health insurance in India to cover your medical bills, shortlist and compare some health plans online and purchase one from the comfort of your home. While individual health insurance offers medical coverage to only one individual, a family floater policy is for the entire family. Hence, check the available options and pick the right health plan for yourself and your loved ones.

Disclaimer: The above information is for illustrative purpose only. For more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before concluding the sales.



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