Posted on: Feb 13, 2019 | | Written by: None

Steps to find best health insurance plans for cancer patients in India

The very mention of the word “cancer” evokes very strong emotions of fear, pain and loss. Instances of cancer have become so common, right now that most people have someone in their circle of friends and family who are going through or have gone through the struggle against malignant tumours.

Though the struggle is by no means easy, cancer is a disease that can certainly be overcome provided it is diagnosed early on and treatment is undergone intensively under specialized healthcare professionals. Due to the prevalence of the disease, it is wise to invest in the best cancer insurance policy in India to cover the heavy costs incurred and combat financial instability during the period of treatment.


Cancer policies cover malignant tumours, pre-malignant tumours, non-invasive cancers (CIS stage) and cancers in various organs like throat, pancreas, prostate, etc.

Cancers usually advance through four stages – CIS stage, early stage, major stage and critical stage. The sooner you catch the disease, lesser is the criticality and better the chances. Keeping this in view, cancer insurance policy provides differing lump sum pay-outs towards diagnosis, treatment and hospitalization at different stages of cancer. They also come with monthly allowances to supplement the absence of working income.

Terms and conditions

Health insurance for existing cancer patients in India usually come with a survival period of 30 days, beyond which only claims are valid.

    Factors that determine health insurance for cancer patients
  • Ensuring pay-outs at all stages Some policies may not provide pay-outs during CIS stage and early stage.
  • Determining whether the sum insurance is fixed or increases by 10% annually. Even though it attracts higher cancer insurance policy rates, the 10% increase will cover subsequently increasing cost of treatment and hospitalization.
  • Waiver on future premiums post diagnosis.
  • Regular income post diagnosis
  • Maximum term of the policy You need to know when the policy matures. Later the maturity date, longer is the coverage.

When you compare cancer insurance policies, it is impossible to miss HDFC ERGO’s Critical Illness Plan. With 90 day waiting periods and option to buy cancer insurance online, HDFC ERGO provides complete cancer coverage, ensuring that they will always be by your side when you need them the most!

To know more about our Health Insurance Plans and its benefits CLICK HERE


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