Posted on: Jul 8, 2024 | 3 mins | Written by: HDFC ERGO Team

Best Things To Do In Rome

Best Things To Do In Rome

Every corner of Rome tells a story. It has a rich culture, exquisite architecture, and vibrant history. It’s a beautiful city that displays the best of Italy in the world. It has so many art and architectural marvels that you must believe Rome was not built in a day.

If you plan to visit Rome for your next holiday, you must not miss these excellent spots on this list. Each place has a unique experience, so jot them down on your itinerary. While planning your trip to Rome, don’t forget to purchase travel insurance.

• The Colosseum

The Colosseum is the grand Roman amphitheater that stands as a symbol of ancient Rome's glory. Built over 2,000 years ago, it could seat up to 80,000 spectators on its best days and was a prime spot for gladiatorial contests, chariot races, and dramatic performances.

Guided tours allow you to get acquainted with the great gladiators who played here and the kings who hosted these games. You can also explore labyrinthine corridors and archways, underground chambers, and an intricate network of tunnels.

• The Vatican

The Vatican is a sovereign city-state in Rome. It is home to the head of the Catholic Church and has museums filled with religious works and Renaissance architecture by artists like Michelangelo, Raphael, Caravaggio, and Leonardo da Vinci.

Michelangelo designed the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. It depicts scenes from the Book of Genesis. There’s St. Peter's Basilica, the largest church in the world, just beside the museums. Don't miss Bernini's colonnades and ancient Egyptian obelisk in St. Peter's Square.

• The Pantheon

The Pantheon was built by Emperor Hadrian in 126 AD. It was a Roman temple to worship pagan gods. However, it has been a Catholic church since AD 609. Today, the Pantheon is just a landmark, showing the grandeur of Roman architecture and exquisite engineering.

In fact, the Pantheon's dome remains the largest unreinforced concrete dome ever built, with a diameter of 43 meters (142 feet). At the dome's apex, there's a circular opening known as the oculus. Natural light floods the interior through this opening throughout the day.

• Piazza Navona

Piazza Navona is a Baroque square in the center of Rome. It is built on the site of the ancient Stadium of Domitian. The main attraction is Bernini's Fountain of the Four Rivers, which is in the center of the piazza.

Up and down the street, you will find elegant palaces, quaint cafes, and artisan shops. Piazza Navona is always filled with street performers entertaining the crowds with music, mime, and magic.

You shouldn’t miss sunsets at Piazza Navona as the warm hues of the buildings reflect off the cobblestone streets. It is a beauty to behold. If you visit during Christmas, you will find a magical wonderland with a bustling Christmas market.

• The Roman Forum

The Roman Forum was a bustling part of ancient Rome. It was the epicenter of political, religious, and commercial life in the ancient world. Currently, it is just an archaeological site.

You must see the Temple of Saturn, where Romans once worshipped the god of wealth and agriculture, the Temple of Vesta, which housed Vesta's holy fire, and the Temple of Julius Caesar, built to honor him after his assassination.

You should also see the Basilica Julia, where legal proceedings and commercial transactions took place. The Arch of Titus is a great historical landmark built to commemorate the Roman victory over Jerusalem in 70 AD.

• Trevi Fountain

Trevi Fountain is a romantic water fountain in Rome. You must visit with your partner to experience the magic in the air - the sound of cascading water filling the air.

This fountain, designed by architect Nicola Salvi in the 18th century, celebrates art, mythology, and the enduring spirit of the Eternal City. Of the entire marble facade, Neptune, the god of the sea, stands at the center. He is riding a chariot drawn by seahorses. Tritons and other mythical creatures are seen playing in the waves.

There’s this legend that tossing a coin into the waters of the Trevi Fountain ensures a return to Rome. You have to stand with your back to the fountain and throw the coin over your left shoulder with your right hand.

• Castel Sant'Angelo

Castel Sant'Angelo is a magnificent fortress on the banks of the Tiber River. It was originally built as a mausoleum in the 2nd century AD and is currently a museum showcasing its rich history.

You will get a chance to see the Papal Apartments, where Renaissance popes sought refuge during times of strife. Passetto di Borgo, an underground passageway connecting the fortress directly to Vatican City, made this possible.

If you climb up the fortress, you can see panoramic views of Rome's skyline. Don't miss the statue of the Archangel Michael on top of the fortress.

• Trastevere

Trastevere is a Roman neighborhood located on the west bank of the Tiber River. It offers a glimpse into authentic Roman life and is known for its bohemian charm, narrow cobblestone streets, ivy-clad buildings, and hidden piazzas.

You must visit quaint cafes, family-run trattorias, artisan workshops, and boutique shops. To taste authentic Roman food, try a steaming plate of cacao e pepe or a crispy slice of pizza al taglio.

The nightlife scene in this area is pretty good. There are many lively bars and hipster hangouts throughout the neighborhood.


From ancient ruins to Renaissance masterpieces, Rome offers a wealth of attractions. Whether you're soaking in the grandeur of the Colosseum, savoring a gelato in Trastevere, or tossing a coin into the Trevi Fountain, every moment is sure to be unforgettable. Indeed, Rome was not built in a day.

So pack your bags and get ready to discover the magic of the Eternal City! Don’t forget your international travel insurance, which you might need at any time during your trip.

Disclaimer The above information is for illustrative purposes only. For more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before concluding the sales.


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