Posted on: Mar 10, 2025 | 3 mins | Written by: HDFC ERGO Team

Travelling as an Indian Vegetarian or Vegan: Tips to Thrive Abroad

Travelling as an Indian Vegetarian or Vegan: Tips to Thrive Abroad

Travelling abroad with dietary restrictions can be very difficult. When you're visiting destinations such as Africa, South America, or the United Arab Emirates and are on a diet, you're likely to have a tough time. This is because you won't find a lot of variety in vegetarian food.

Carnivorous people can easily enjoy delicious non-veg food during vacations, but when it comes to vegetarian people, the food choices are minimal. Moreover, when you have dietary restrictions, it becomes even more critical to keep a check on what you're eating.

How Vegetarians Can Have a Great Time Traveling Abroad?

With very little to enjoy, you may think that there's not enough food. However, it is quite the contrary. When you're planning to travel, you must be mindful about what you eat. However, vegetarian food outside India will not have enough variety and can be slightly expensive, too.

Therefore, you must be mindful about planning your entire trip with dietary restrictions. Here are some of the top tips that can be helpful:

1. Budget

Always be mindful of the budget for food while travelling abroad. In foreign lands, vegetarian food is more expensive as compared to non-vegetarian food. In fact, some restaurants charge a premium price for serving vegetable meals and other services.

Considering the high food expenses, you must prepare a budget for the initial stages. You may save on some additional costs, however, as you get overseas travel insurance. You might as well claim bonuses and discounts so that you get the option of healthy dining at affordable rates.

If you're staying in a lodge or hotel where they allow you to cook, you can get your veggies from supermarkets and grocery stores. Premade meals are also available at the supermarkets. Thus, you can purchase the food items and enjoy them according to your taste buds.

2. Always Go for Potatoes and Salads

Potatoes and salads are one of the safest options when it comes to vegetarian dining abroad. You are likely to get these potatoes and salads at most of the restaurants at a comparatively cheaper rate. Therefore, you won't have to struggle much with it.

In countries like Poland and Slovakia, you can get your hands on delicious potato and beetroot salad with some cabbage and carrots grated on the side. You may also request the chef to make any changes to suit your taste buds.

If you are allergic to any nuts and so on, you must inform the restaurant before they include it in your meal. The good thing is there's a wide range of options available for the salads, such as grilled, fried, or made crisp. Therefore, you can enjoy your potatoes and fruit salads while also enjoying the beauty nearby.

3. Learn the Basics

When you're visiting any non-English speaking country, you should learn the basics. This will help you communicate about what you can have and what you cannot. If you don't want to be rushed in such situations, you should write down your restrictions and allergies.

While travelling abroad from India, you should avoid indulging in any street food. If any allergy triggers, it can be very harmful to your body. One of the best ways to protect yourself against such mishaps is to get travel insurance online. If you have to make any claims, the insurance will help cover some financial charges.

You must communicate about your vegetarian requirements during the ordering stage. Moreover, also discuss the ingredients if you're trying something new. There may be some ingredients in the dish which may cause harmful side effects. Being a picky eater can be challenging, but at least you will get to be safe.

4. Eat Like Locals

One of the best ways to consume your veggies is to eat like the locals. They know their veggies, greens, and fruits. Thus, they can guide you on how to consume and what to eat. Moreover, some vegetarian dishes will already be a part of their regular diet.

You can interact with the locals initially to understand more about vegetarian foods. You might as well conduct online research about the local vegetarian cuisines and items so that you can enjoy them.

Some locals are very hospitable and welcoming. They might as well invite you into their homes to let you experience the delicious vegetarian dishes. You might as well prefer visiting the restaurants that the locals visit often. This way, you can enjoy local food and explore fruit markets. You will get abundant options.

5. Visit Religious Institutions

If you want to try delicious vegetarian cuisines, you must consider visiting religious institutions. Since vegetarian food is compulsory in some religions and cultures, these institutions serve a wide variety of such dishes.

If you're not able to find vegetarian food at the restaurant, try visiting a local religious institution. For example, you may visit Hindu temples, Gurudwaras, or even Buddhist temples. Some churches also serve a variety of dishes. If you're having to visit these places, make sure to get your overseas travel insurance. This is to ensure that your luggage and other items are safe when you're visiting religious institutions for food.

These religious institutions serve either vegetarian dishes or vegan food. However, this may only be valid for specific days in the week or month. In fact, you can research some options and check if any of them provide vegetarian food throughout the year.

6. Visit Only Vegetarian Restaurants

As veganism and vegetarianism become more popular, they are gradually being accepted around the world. Several new restaurants are also opening up, serving only vegetarian or vegan food. While some of these restaurants offer basic food, others offer exclusive and fancy dishes.

While travelling abroad, if you wish to try local delicacies too, you may request that the restaurant provide you with the same. They may create a fusion of local delicacies with vegetarian options for you to enjoy the flavour. Internationally, some vegetarian restaurants also serve mock meats made from mushrooms or other vegetables.

You can check out the different food apps internationally to try delicious food items. Some of the restaurants abroad have delivery services as well, so you won't have to step out of your property. In fact, these prove to be slightly less cheap than dining at the restaurants.

7. Be Mindful About Nutrition

When you have dietary restrictions and are strictly consuming only vegan or vegetarian food, you also need to keep a check on your nutrition. You must get a balanced meal of vitamins, minerals, and carbohydrates.

While travelling, you must choose nutrient-rich vegetarian food. Adding chia seeds to your juices and salads can be extremely helpful. Moreover, indulging in some superfoods can be beneficial so that you don't miss out on the delicacies.

You can visit the healthy food stores and try alternatives like milk and soy. Keep your veggie breakfast light yet nutritious. Moreover, you can also carry some vegetarian snacks with you so that you can put them on the go.


As a vegetarian, you need to be very mindful during your trip. Of course, you don't want to be sick or fall into any trouble. When you're travelling abroad and have some dietary restrictions, you can buy your travel insurance online and be on the go. Online insurance ensures that if anything goes wrong, you'll be able to recover from that problem. Moreover, you won't have to pay additionally for your food as well because coverage may sometimes include some options, thereby saving you money.

Disclaimer: The above information is for illustrative purposes only. For more details, please refer to the policy wordings and prospectus before concluding the sales.


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