The postpartum period begins soon after delivery. It is the window of initial 6 weeks after childbirth which is a vulnerable time for both new mother and baby. The care needed during this period is referred to as postpartum care which is important for short & long-term health consequences of mother and newborn. It ends when the mother’s body has nearly returned to its pre-pregnant state.
During these weeks, you’ll bond with your baby and you’ll have a post-delivery checkup with your doctor. Duration of postpartum care may be extended to 4-6 months due to physical and emotional issues and complications as the main motive of this care is to establish an excellent health for both and also help maintain good motherhood.
Post-partum care is very important as it can help protect both the new mother and baby from various complications occurring during the initial stage after delivery. . This care plays a vital role as it helps to detect problems in the early stages before they can progress and become life-threatening. Postpartum care can help new mothers that are at high risk of health complications.
It is important to obtain appropriate care services to protect the health of mother and baby. Postpartum care is beyond attending the necessary medical examinations. It is about promoting a healthy lifestyle with good nutrition, detecting and preventing diseases, supporting women who may be experiencing intimate partner violence and ensuring access to sexual and reproductive health including postpartum family planning are key to quality postnatal care.
There are different areas that require effective care during the postpartum period. This includes external, internal, and mental care each of which requires proper maintenance to ensure that they can be restored to the conditions prior to post-partum.
This includes dealing with the changes in body shape after giving birth along with other issues like issues with breastfeeding or sore nipples. It also covers healing of the scars without problems of infection in cases of C section delivery. Many women also experience hair fall after giving birth which may become a potential problem and might be dealt with under expert supervision.
This deals with all aspects of internal recovery after childbirth. This includes symptoms such as physical fatigue, body aches, cramps, pain, and constipation. With internal care, it helps to lessen these elevated symptoms along with simultaneously keeping an eye on health complications.
It is crucial to take care of emotional and mental wellbeing after delivery as the body undergoes a strenuous period which requires recovery. Also, due to hormonal fluctuations in the initial period can lead to emotional complication like post-partum depression. A proper mental care during this period can help to avoid and deal with some serious issues including anxiety, low confidence & self-esteem levels, and post-partum depression.
Here are some of the most common postpartum complications
While it is normal to bleed for 2 to 6 weeks after giving birth, some women can experience excessive bleeding after childbirth.
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Vaginal tearing during childbirth is common among first-time mothers which often require stitches. And if you give birth via C-section, you’ll get stitches or staples at the incision site. This area sometimes can get infected and cause discomfort. Some women also experience infections, like urinary, kidney, or vaginal infections after birth.
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Signs of infection include:
Experiencing urinary or fecal incontinence immediately after birth is common due to weakened muscles or injury due to birth. While it is not dangerous, this complication can cause discomfort, embarrassment, and inconvenience. You may also struggle with constipation and hemorrhoids.
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Most women experience some form of baby blues like feeling a little up and down, or feeling more weepy than usual. This is common during the first week after delivery.
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Other serious complications following childbirth are:
While they are less common, they need to be addressed immediately for your health and safety.
The overall risk of dying of a pregnancy-related complication is low. But women with chronic conditions such as cardiac disease, obesity or high blood pressure are at greater risk of dying or nearly dying from pregnancy-related complications. If you have these risk factors, monitoring your postpartum health is particularly important.
New mothers can do a number of things to take care of their health and ensure proper recovery. This includes:
Women and newborns require support and careful monitoring after birth. There are skilled health personnel and community health workers who support women and newborns after birth. Any emotional and physical changes you experience after birth will slowly improve. Don’t hesitate to talk to your doctor about any concerns, whether it’s related to depression, your baby, or the healing process.
You must carry out postpartum care during the first six months after delivering a baby. Usually, this is the postpartum period. However, follow what your doctor recommends.
Yes, you can breastfeed your baby during postpartum care.
After a normal healthy delivery, you can exercise as soon as the baby is born. But do consult your doctor before starting any new health routine.
Postpartum care helps keep the mother and the baby healthy along with creating an environment wherein the family can support them in all their needs.
Source: John Hopkins Medicine, Stanford Children’s Health, NCBI.NLM, WHO.Int, My Cleveland Clinic, Healthline, Mayoclinic
Disclaimer: This blog provides general information and discussions about health and related subjects. The information and other content provided in this blog, website or in any linked materials are not intended and should not be considered, or used as a substitute for, medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Kindly contact your Doctor before starting a new medicine or health regime.