Posted on: Apr 4, 2024 | 3 mins | Written by: HDFC ERGO Team

National Pet's Day 2024: How Having a Pet Improves Your Health & Happiness Quotient

Happy dog and cat celebrating National Pet's Day

Started in 2005 by animal welfare advocate and pet lifestyle expert Colleen Paige, National Pet's Day is celebrated on 11th April every year. It recognises everything that pets bring to our lives, from serving as working animals to loving companions in our homes. It is an exclusive opportunity for pet owners to pay undivided attention to their furry friends while encouraging others to adopt one. Pets can support your emotional, mental, and physical health. In celebration of National Pet's Day, read more about some major health advantages of having a pet.

Health Benefits of Having a Pet

1. Get Regular Exercise

As per research, pet owners get 150 minutes of moderate to intense weekly physical activity, which helps lower blood pressure, triglycerides and cholesterol. When pet owners get their obese dogs to a healthy weight, they reap cardiovascular health benefits. Further, the RSPCA reports that dog owners have fewer visits to the doctor's clinic due to strong immune systems. Even children in the company of dogs are less likely to have illness-related absences in school. Considering your pet's varied health benefits, you can always get health insurance for the puppy, thus thanking them for the services they offer.

2. Pets Help Bring Down Stress Levels

One study has found that people with borderline hypertension can lower their blood pressure by interacting with pets. Pets of all kinds decrease cortisol levels, the chemical that increases blood pressure and results in elevated stress levels. Further studies have also shown that different types of pets, like birds, can reduce loneliness and boost an individual's mood. Another review found that pet ownership is specifically beneficial for people who have PTSD or post-traumatic stress disorder.

Ever wonder why aquariums are common in dental clinic waiting rooms? Watching the fish in an aquarium lowers the pulse rate and reduces muscle tension, leaving you calmer before getting into the chair.

3. Get that Feel-Good Hormone Going High

Owning a pet is closely linked to increased oxytocin levels, the feel-good hormone that helps you remain happy. However, if you have family members with weakened immune systems or children under five years of age, ensure getting family health insurance to safeguard against diseases that may spread between people and animals.

4. Offers Companionship

While loneliness and isolation can trigger the signs of depression, companionship is one of the best medicines for all kinds of illnesses and can even add several years to life. Having a pet home and caring for it can help you feel wanted and needed, automatically taking your focus away from all your problems. You can easily work through your troubles when living alone and having a dog or a cat to talk to. Nothing can beat loneliness like coming home to a purring cat or a wagging tail.

5. Reduces Anxiety

The companionship of a pet dog or cat offers comfort, eases anxiety, and helps build self-confidence in people who are anxious about facing the world. Since pets live in the moment, they can make you mindful and appreciate the joy of the present instead of procrastinating about the past or contemplating the future.

6. Social Connectedness

Taking pets for a walk to the park can be a way to meet people and connect with them. Similarly, you can also socialise through online meet-up groups and pet training classes, which can be particularly useful for introverts who need more interaction.

Nevertheless, when taking your pets out for a walk or to certain meet-ups and training classes, they are at risk of injury and other health concerns. Consider proper health insurance to avoid huge expenses incurred in treating a pet. This will ensure proper healthcare for your pet, as you can get your pet treated for dental issues, fractures, parasite-borne diseases, cardiac dysfunction, pregnancy complications, cancer, and cataracts.

7. Boosts Self-Confidence

Pets take care of us in the same way we look after them. When you keep a pet happy and content, you feel achievement, something to be proud of, automatically boosting your self-confidence. Above everything else, it is always a good feeling when your pet looks up to you with great admiration.

8. Improves Sleep

Taking a dog out for a walk, playing with a cat or riding a horse improves sleep quality. However, those in the habit of sleeping with their pets should be cautious as this may lead to interrupted sleep, further causing many health problems. In that case, having proper health insurance can help you get treated for varied health conditions without spending a penny.

9. Your Nutrition Is In Place

When you have a pet, you usually feed it on a schedule, which automatically encourages you to establish an eating schedule. However, with more and more people making nutritious and delicious food for their pets, this is also affecting their food quality.

The Bottom Line

So, there you have it! National Pet's Day is about loving and appreciating your furry babies, which brings unparalleled happiness and joy to you and your family. They are real stress busters, and adopting one that changes your life for the good. So, if you are willing to commit and are all set to reap the benefits of having a pet, adopt one this National Pet's Day!

Disclaimer: The above information is for illustrative purposes only. For more details, please refer to the policy wordings and prospectus before concluding the sales.


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