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10 Ways to Keep Yourself and the Environment Healthy

Published on November 10, 2022. EST READ TIME: 3 minutes

Ways to Keep Yourself and Environment Healthy

Protecting the environment is such a hot issue these days – and it should be that way. After all, it can not only save the planet, but also you! Yes, you can improve the quality of physical, mental, emotional, and financial health by simply making green living choices. As we gear up to celebrate World Environmental Health Day on 26th September, let’s make some efforts to improve environmental health, and in the process, our own health. Here are 10 simple ways to do that. Also make sure you have adequate health insurance cover to stay financially secure during emergencies.

1. Leave your car at home:

Carbon emissions from cars not only add to the pollution but driving everywhere also contributes to a sedentary lifestyle. If you need to travel short distances, either walk or cycle - you will not only reduce emission levels, but also become healthier and fitter. You can also carpool to work or take public transporta few days a week. Whether you are driving or using public transport, accidents can happen any time. Secure yourself with the best health insurance to prevent your savings from getting exhausted in medical expenses.

2. Think reusable when you drink:

Did you know that disposable plastic bottles used for drinking water contain chemical contaminants which can affect your health adversely? Plastics being non-biodegradable are harmful for the environment too.Invest in an environment-friendlystainless-steel water bottle which you can carry along with you. Avoid using plastic straws to have beverages, either ask for a biodegradable bamboo straw, or just sip it directly from the glass. For hot beverages, take your own thermos and avoid the disposable cups.

3. Slip into healthier apparel:

As per World Wildlife Fund, chemicals like per fluorinated chemicals (PFCs) that are used on clothes to keep them wrinkle and crease-free, are harmful not only to the environment, but have also been linked with cancer. Go for organic and eco-friendly apparel. It is best to wear clothes made from wool, silk, hemp, or organic cotton.

4. Choose locally grown or organic food:

Fruits and vegetables sold in most supermarkets are picked weeks before you finally consume them. Pesticides and other harmful chemicals are used to keep the fruits and veggies fresh. If you buy locally grown food from a farmer’s market or even grow your own, you know that the produce is fresh. You can also ask the farmer if they are organic or any pesticides or fertilisers are used on them. Apart from being careful about what you eat, buy health insurance policies for yourself and loved ones as well.

5. Clean the water, and the environment:

Contaminated water is the root cause of many health issues like cholera and typhoid, and a hotspot for mosquitos too, causing malaria and dengue. Not only this, dumping pollutants in the water harms the environment, the aquatic flora and fauna, and reduces soil fertility. Industries should purify their waste through effective and efficient waste and sewage management plants, while individuals should install water filters that will purify the water prior to consumption.

6. Use natural cleaners:

The detergents and cleaners available in the market are harsh and contain a lot of chemicals. If these harsh cleaners are used for cleaning, the chemicals escape into the environment, and can cause diseases like asthma and skin rashes. Move to organic and natural cleaners. Mix vinegar, salt, and baking soda to wash dishes. Borax or washing soda works well for greases and floors.Vinegar and water mixed in equal parts make for excellent glass, shower, toilet, and floor cleaners.

7. Make the world a greener place:

As individuals, there are small activities that we can do to save the environment. As the age old saying goes, every drop contributes to the ocean, and our small endeavours combined have a big impact.Plant a few trees in the garden/balcony/terrace. These trees will not only give you organic produce, but also create a calmer environment, increase the amount of oxygen, and keep the house cooler. They will act as a natural health insurance cover.

8. Cut down on meat:

Meat production generates a lot of greenhouse emissions. Also, massive deforestation is being done to make space for pastures for livestock grazing. This is causing immense harm to the environment. Meat eaters also tend to have higher levels of cholesterol, heart diseases, and suffer from obesity. Try to cut down on meat consumptionand try a vegetarian diet. But make sure to get enough protein from tofu, beans, peanut butter, and eggs.

9. Clean clothes more organically:

Studies suggest that drycleaners use a chemical called perchloroethylene, which is a probable carcinogen. After the clothes have been dry cleaned, some of the chemical remains in the fabric which can be bad for you as well as the environment. So, go for healthier and greener detergents. And make sure you have good health insurance cover in case you contract a critical illness despite taking all precautions.

10. Grow your own food:

Gardening is not only therapeutic, but also a good exercise. Starting from preparing the ground to planting seeds to tending the crops and picking them when ready, involves a good amount of physical activity. Maintaining an organic garden at home ensures that you get the best and freshest produce with no use of pesticides. Help the environment and stay in shape…what’s better than this?


Go green, go organic are the buzzwords today. More and more people are becoming health as well as environment conscious and switching to green living choices. You can do it too to stay healthy, improve your quality of life and contribute significantly to a healthier environment. But being healthy does not necessarily mean you will not fall sick. In case of a medical emergency, you should have some financial protection like a health insurance cover to take care of the hospital bills.

Disclaimer: The above information is for illustrative purpose only. For more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before concluding the sales.


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